Is Yahusha the real name of Jesus?

Is Yahusha the real name of Jesus?


I’m a retired scientist, was atheist and had a huge problem believing in GOD, WHOM I could not see or touch. Around 40 years ago I encountered Him in my living room and gave up almost everything incl. my family, big house, career just to be a street evangelist or simple disciple. I ended up with almost nothing, alone, helpless and a lot of suffering. I knew suddenly many verses in the Bible without reading the Bible before. Considering no possibility to search using computer like now a day was big miracle. I received many spiritual gifts as written in 1 Corinthians 12 in order to help others. I was active in „Born-Again“ communities till HOLY SPIRIT took me out. I hated the Old Testament until I woke up one morning and said: „Guten Morgen ABBA“. It’s like a second rebirth. I honestly don’t know whether we would call ourselves a Christian now? Although we follow a lot of ancient Hebrew rules, we are living under GRACE, NOT under laws. We follow many feasts appointed by ABBA YAH, BUT not as an example Yom Kippur because YAHusha has done for us. It`s finished. I don’t celebrate Rosh Hashanah because the first month of the year according to ABBA is not Tishrei, BUT AVIV (NISAN), Exodus 12:2. We keep Shabbat and New Month Holy, but not Saturday or Sunday, but following the Hebrew Luni-Solar calendar, Exodus. Shabbat of the Full Moon – I celebrate Pesach, BUT we do not paint our door posts with „red paint“ from hardware stores or blood of a lamb as many Torah followers do BECAUSE He, Yahusha was sacrificed for us as the „Perfect Lamb“ and His blood is priceless.

The Holy Spirit woke me up early in the morning many years ago and explained to me in a very simple way why His true name is Yahusha and not Yeshua, Yahushua, Yahshua, Yesus or Jesus. HE told me princely where to search the information according to the Bible AND history.

Elijah was originally (EliYAHu אֱלִיָּהוּ) means “ EL/ELOHIM/GOD ( אל ) is YAH(u) (יָּהוּ ). Simply means „GOD is YAH”. His successor Elisha אֱלִישַׁע is combination of El/GOD (אֱלִי ) and Sha (שע) which means ‚save‘, together means „ELOHIM/GOD saves“. Shua ישוע means ‚cry or shout‘ in comparison to Sha שע above.

YAHuSha in Hebrew is יְהוֹ שֻׁעַ⁠‎, combination of שֻׁעַ (saves) and YAH (יָּהוּ). YAHusha means YAH(u) saves.

Joshua in Hebrew was originally יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, same name YAHusha. Numbers 13:16…. . And Moses called Hoshea the son of Nun, Joshua. The original name was not Hoshea, but Husha which means ‚save/saver‘. The same ‚sha‘ (שע) in Hebrew as used for the names Eli-sha. Moses added YAH to Husha which became YAHusha which transliterated to Joshua. Footnotes in NKJV Hebrews 4:8 „Greek Jesus, same as Hebrew Joshua“

In Hebrew, Jesus and Joshua have the same name! Bible Gateway passage: Hebrews 4:8 – New King James Version

Most Prophets from the Old-Testament have the name YAH ‚intergrated‘. YeshaYAHu (Isaiah), YirmiYAHu (Jeremiah) and many more before Babylonian Captivity. But after Babylonian Captivity, EliYAHu became Yo’El (Yo’El means the same! YAH became Yo). YAHuchanan became Yochanon or Yochanan. It happened same with Sha and Shua.

YAHusha (the Messiah) was transliterated to Jesus, Yeshua, Yehoshua, Yashua and many others, just to remove the Name YAH in all the transliterations. El is an abbreviation of Elohim. Most Angels have names ending with EL such as Mikha’El, Gaḇrīʾēl, Rāfāʾēl and so on.

From Halleluia „PraiseYAH“,הַלְלוּיָה, Hallel הַלְלוּ (Praise) YAH (יָה) we know that Yeh…or Yoh or Jeh or Jah not correct too because we don’t say HalleluYeh or HalleluYoh, but say and pronounce HalleluYAH.

Shuah or Shua (Hebrew: שׁוּעַ, pronounced „Shuaʿ“, with an ayin glottal stop at the end, „noble/rich“ or „cry for help“was a certain Canaanite, whose unnamed daughter marries Judah. Genesis 38:2 „And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah …“

7769. שׁ֫וּעַ (shua) a cry for help (7769. שׁ֫וּעַ (shua) — a cry for help)

929 יָשַׁע (yāšaʿ) be saved, be delivered; save, deliver, give victory, help; be safe

929a יֵשַׁע (yēšaʿ) salvation, deliverance

929c שׁוַֹע (šôa/shua) independent, noble, rich, crying for help

It doesn’t make any sense to use the word combination saying ‚YAH is noble‘ or ‚YAH is independent‘ and insulting to say that ‚YAH is crying for help‘.


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