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The concept of messianic figures in Jewish history is fascinating, especially when considering Jesus (Yeshua). Scholar Bart Ehrman eloquently points out that for most Jews, the idea of Jesus as the Messiah was laughable. He was powerless and met a humiliating end through crucifixion by the Romans. This pattern isn’t unique to Jesus. Many others, like Theudas, Menachem ben Judah ben Hezekiah, and Simon ben Kosevah, were also seen as potential messiahs but ultimately failed, facing defeat at the hands of Roman authorities.


In the first century A.D., my people were desperate for leaders to liberate us from Roman oppression, and we believed the messiah would be a descendant of King David. Unfortunately, none of the supposed Davidic descendants succeeded, and many met tragic ends. Take Simon of Perea, for instance; he managed to gather a significant following but was eventually beheaded by the Romans. Another example is Anthronges, who waged a serious war against the Romans but was also defeated.

Then there was Yeshua, a gentle figure who preached peace and couldn’t lead a military campaign. He proclaimed himself king of the Jews but was crucified, fitting the pattern of failed messianic claims.


Reflecting on these events, it’s clear that no universally accepted Jewish messiah has emerged because every single one of these figures failed in their missions and was ultimately killed by the Romans.

friend. .. .


(Part 3 – same text, different images) So… Something that I absolutely loathe about the mainstream media is the condescending way it treats platonic love. There are billions of movies, TV shows, books, songs about love, but hardly any of them is dedicated to the love between friends. In the film industry, friendship is being invariably and systematically treated as an inferior form of [...]

ktori to tam hubia. .


ja som symboly kreslil, ale nie preto, aby mi niekto zniesol hory doly, lebo ma peniaze netankujú; kruhy ma nesústreďujú;hľadal som nús skrze znaky, ktoré mi priniesli ataky na rozum vyautovaný automatom ktorý mi nariadil šaleny dom, lebo nerobil to v zlom, ale bol to zlom do depresie; som bežal lesom slalom a narábal so svalovou hmotou zglajchšaltovaný aby som skúsil salto [...]

ma vypoklonkoval


x ma vypoklonkoval, lebo som mu kolkovanú žiadosť neposlal cez mŕtvolky zo škôlky s hlavami, ktorých sme hrali kolky, a jedli hranolky u Hranola; veru to bola tvrdá škola, ktorú preplakala nejedná duša hrdá, ktorou každý zhrdá ako páprda kundolap ktorý útočil zdola, aby melel do okola čo má na obohranej platni, len ju schmatni kundu jednu poprednú keď kvety na hrobe [...]

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