ego of satan


Satan serves as an archetypal representation reflecting our self-perception in relation to those we perceive as different or external to ourselves.

Satan is a social and cultural phenomenon as old as the mind of humanity itself. There has always and will always, be essentially two worldviews consisting of oppositions and they are „Us & Them“ or „Me“ and „the rest of you“.

. . etc.

Satan has been a longstanding social and cultural phenomenon, rooted in the human psyche since ancient times. Throughout history, there have been two predominant worldviews characterized by opposition: „Us & Them“ or „Me“ versus „the rest of you.“

Read my pdf „Who the Hell is Satan“ in our FILES


„The ego is the center of consciousness, whereas the Self is the center of the total personality, which includes consciousness, the unconscious, and the ego. The Self is both the whole and the center. While the ego is a self-contained little circle off the center contained within the whole, the Self can be understood as the greater circle“


Carl Jung

Ego, in and of itself is the balance between Id (reptilian/animal/instinctual) and Superego (inflated, megalomania, delusion of grandeur). A balanced, contained Ego is desired. Where the Ego can fail is when it is not Individuated. It then becomes the reflection of our false-self and not our True-Self, and becomes a projection of our compulsions and our shadows. The Western Left Hand Path is not to give up on or surrender the Ego, also not to overly focus on Ego, but to synchronize, synthesize, and expand Ego to reflect our Greater Self.

I bez Darwina


I bez Darwina si lze uvědomit, že patříme mezi ostatní zvířata. Trocha pozorování našeho vlastního života nás k takovému závěru brzy dovede. Nicméně – protože věda požívá autority, se kterou běžná zkušenost nemůže soutěžit – povšimněme si, co Darwin učí: že živočišné druhy jsou jen nahromaděním genů působících vzájemně a náhodně na sebe a na [...]

židia. .. .. .. .


Dodnes nikdo neodhalil veškeré lži a křivá obvinění, obsažené v tomto tvrzení, neboť lidé se bojí odhalit lživý původ křesťanské bible … I am reading this text.- Sounds good. Yet We will see. What do You make of it? K Thispart sounds good Historie nedává Židům nijak příznivou reputaci, ať již šlo o hebrejské, chazarské či sephardinské (španělské) Židy. [...]

– Dana-Christene Umanetz


„The darkness is death – we can speak, but we are not heard. We can scream but they turn their backs. We can run, but we cannot catch them. It is the dream where arms and legs won’t work they way they should, and the air is too thick to breathe. Loved ones walk a mile ahead, forgetting to stop as we fall behind. This is the reality of the darkness. We are buried alive inside [...]


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