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I have always found Harris‘ argument shallow and unscientific. We all experience making choices. The experience is universal. That biologists don’t yet understand how this process works is not a license to declare that the process doesn’t exist. How can he justify throwing out universal psychological evidence? I asked a colleague who is a psychologist once why psychology adopted determinism. He said it was to adopt physics as a basis for all behavior. But physics is far from being able to attack topics like consciousness and free will. I think Harris‘ stating this as an absolute is hubris. The situation is more nuanced than this. Can outside forces affect our decision process? Of course they can. Lead poisoning can make children unable to control emotions, for one example. But that outside forces affect some decision processes does not prove that there is no ability to independently decide. It is convenient to say that I am not responsible for my behavior at all. We might wish determinism to absolve us from all guilt as a society. But I don’t see evidence that convinces me that it is true, and I do see evidence that this attitude can be harmful to society.

― Robert Adams, Jean Klein, ~ U. G. Krishnamurti


“Everything is simplicity there is nothing to do. There is no place to go. There is no thing to become. You are that, just the way you are. Awaken to your true Self which is what you are right now.” ― Robert Adams We were born as an open Space without any egoic identification. And as we grew up, we learned from our parents to identify with our body and mind. But all these stories, concepts, [...]

Who or What is that final witnessing? Papaji


We were born as an open Space without any egoic identification. And as we grew up, we learned from our parents to identify with our body and mind. But all these stories, concepts, feelings and perceptions are observable. By what are these observed? Who or What is that final witnessing?

utrpenie človeka apriori silnejším nerobí. ..


myslím, že som nikomu nepodsúval nič čo by som si na vlastnej koži neodskákal ten atak, že som výkal na psychiatrii človek, ktorý je zrelý k suicídiu a do blázinca tam začala vojna o môj život som onemelý stál neschopný slova…. To na veci, v nej nič nemení, a žiadne utrpenie, s človeka nerobí človeka silnejšieho pokiaľ sám nechce ono utrpenie si privodiť [...]

polárna žiara

Čína si už brúsi zuby. Posledný kus zeme na strategickom súostroví Arktídy je na predaj

17.05.2024 10:19

Záujemcovia môžu získať odľahlý pozemok s názvom Söre Fagerfjord na juhozápade Svalbardu za 300 miliónov eur.

Václav Klaus

Ochranka zlyhala aj pri Klausovi. Vtedy mal však útočník iba airsoftovú pištoľ

17.05.2024 10:00

„Keby mal ostrú zbraň, tak sme bez prezidenta,“ povedal český bezpečnostný expert Andor Šándor o incidente z roku 2012, keď mladý výtržník vystrelil na Václava Klausa.

fico, atentát na fica,

Klaus vyzval médiá, aby nebagatelizovali atentát na slovenského premiéra Fica

17.05.2024 09:38

Bagatelizovanie toho, čo sa stalo, je podľa českého exprezidenta niečo, proti čomu treba „zásadne protestovať“.

atentát Banská Bystrica Fico nemocnica polícia

NAKA prehľadala byt strelca na Fica. Domov priviezla aj atentátnika

17.05.2024 08:43, aktualizované: 09:35

Vyšetrovatelia vykonávali domovú prehliadku a kriminalistickí technici zaisťovali stopy.

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