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Fyodor Dostoevsky and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The German philosopher Josef Pieper, a devout Christian, reminded us:

 „…prophecy certainly speaks about coming events, about a future that cannot be calculated in advance by any speculative technique, but it does not straightforwardly describe what is to happen. One cannot read prophecy like a ‚wanted person‘ notice in which something previously unknown is made recognizable and identified by name, so that one could keep it in mind like a detailed image of a sought object and use it to make the future ‚present.'“

This is wisdom that has been forgotten, or deliberately ignored, by the end-times hucksters. Instead of humility, they offer their flock perverted hope for Armageddon, despair, and global conflict (which they eagerly incite). The real war and conflict isn’t ultimately between America and Russia or Israel and Iran. As Fyodor Dostoevsky and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn taught with such profundity, the battle line between God and the Devil, good and evil, runs through the heart of every man.

The Savior warned us that there would come false prophets and teachers appearing as sheep, but inwardly ravenous wolves, and to be ever mindful of their works. What is to be said of those whose fruits are greed, lust for power, warmongering, and the de-humanization of their fellow man?

zápisky rok staré v tento deň


nikto ma nikdy, nikde nezháňal až keď ma vydal do blázinci polícii sa ´vyznamenal´ kamennú tvár mal hovoril, že ide meniť moju existenciu nemennú od zeme ma ´nadvihne´ od dna ´pre mňa za mňa´ sa do toho vloží budem vrieskať zo svojej kože zbrane zložím on ide na mňa s plánom božím…. x moja pamäť je napojená na prístroj padlo mojej existencii neprístojné [...]

Schoedinger’s Madness axiom


It’s the Schoedinger’s Madness axiom–If we hadn’t witnessed it, it would still be hanging in the lingering omnipresent ‚everything‘ of potential sanity; so, madness and reality are the same thing.

neandhertal woman 75, 000 years old


„The skull was as flat as a pizza, basically,“ said Professor Graeme Barker An absolute astonishing discovery and work by a team of British archaeologists who managed to reconstruct a 75,000 years of Neanderthal woman skull Dubbed Shanidar Z, discovered in the Shanidar cave in the Kurdistan Region. The groundbreaking discovery offers fresh insights into the lives of Neanderthals and [...]

Varšava, požiar centra, náhľad

Obrie obchodné centrum vo Varšave zachvátil požiar

12.05.2024 09:22

Rozsiahly požiar v nedeľu skoro ráno zachvátil jedno z veľkých obchodných centier na okraji Varšavy.

oblička, prasa

Zomrel prvý príjemca geneticky upravenej prasacej obličky

12.05.2024 07:25

Takmer dva mesiace po transplantácii zomrel v Spojených štátoch prvý príjemca geneticky upravenej prasacej obličky.

vojna na Ukrajine, Vovčansk

ONLINE: Petr Pavel: Rusko chce obnoviť imperiálnu veľkosť ZSSR, ohrozuje naše hodnoty. Bude nám škodiť

12.05.2024 06:55, aktualizované: 09:51

Musíme sa pripraviť na to, že Rusko nebude mierovým partnerom, uviedol český prezident Petr Pavel.


USA ponúkajú Izraelu 'cennú podporu', ak obmedzí vojenské operácie v Rafahu

12.05.2024 06:18

Izrael by sa podľa USA mal uchýliť skôr k obmedzeným operáciám, cieliť na lídrov Hamasu a ich likvidáciou dospieť k víťazstvu.

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