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Berdyaev’s analysis describes well the fruits of wedding Dispensationalist eschatology to Atlanticist geopolitics. Such grand distortions deprive the image of God to Russians, Iranians, or other villains de jure, casting them only as evil and depraved instruments of infernal powers. They are not only denied the divine image, but the freedom and human agency that corresponds to the spiritual personality. And while a few individuals among them might be “saved,” according to this formula, the collective peoples of Russia, Iran, and other Muslim nations are primarily destined to be hurled into hellfire after they serve their purpose on the cosmic stage. Only the few elect who donated sufficient funds to John Hagee’s King-Kong megachurch will be “raptured” out of tribulation unto the place of the righteous.

10 practical lessons from Friedrich Nietzsche’s „Beyond Good and Evil“:


10 practical lessons you can glean from Friedrich Nietzsche’s thought-provoking work, „Beyond Good and Evil“: 1. Question Societal Norms: Nietzsche challenges traditional morality and encourages questioning established values. This doesn’t mean rejecting all morals, but critically examining why you hold the beliefs you do. 2. Embrace Your Complexity: Nietzsche argues we [...]

The „Source“


„It“ is darkness, eternal … it is such as cannot be seen but felt, it is such as cannot be resisted but obeyed. It does not command out of spite or thirst but for a sense of Order from Chaos, Ritual from Hunger. For a long time I knew „It“ as the „Born-less One“, reflecting a most ancient ritual, rarely seen, never practiced. An energy, entity, a being of [...]

Fitzwilliam Darcy


There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome. – Fitzwilliam Darcy Our greatest strengths prove also our greatest weakness for, having found a way to explain our world, we then rely on it and by that nature exclude that which is outside of what it understands as effective.


Pri Bytči vylovili mŕtvolu muža, údajne mal spútané ruky

10.05.2024 14:32

Obhliadajúca lekárka predbežne nevylúčila cudzie zavinenie.

Rusko Petrohrad nehoda autobus pád

V Petrohrade sa zrútil z mosta autobus do rieky, cestovalo v ňom asi 20 ľudí, hlásia mŕtvych

10.05.2024 14:31

Ruské agentúry uvádzajú, že záchranná operácia na mieste sa už skončila, pričom vodiča zadržali.

Protest vo Varšava, Poľsko, demonštrácia

Preč s Green Dealom: Vo Varšave protestujú desaťtisíce ľudí proti klimatickej politike

10.05.2024 13:58

Protestný pochod, ktorý sa začal na námestí pri Kráľovskom zámku, sa koná pod heslom "Preč so Zelenou dohodou pre Európu"


Expert Haring kritizuje video z Očovej: Medveďa autom zatlačili do dediny. Nehorázne

10.05.2024 12:58

„Napriek tomu, že je to malý medveď, má zuby a pazúry, mohol by niekoho zraniť,“ dodal.

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