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– Galen Strawson, Closer To Truth, Mysteries Of Free Will, Feb 12, 2018

„I can give you an immaterial soul. I’ll give you indeterminism. It doesn’t matter. What I’m going to say is that is not going to help.

I’m going to say, in the end, what you do flows from the way you are, even in your deepest spiritual characteristics.

You’ve somehow got to get to be responsible for being the way you are. But you can’t… You can’t get back behind yourself in such a way as to be responsible for the kind of person you are.

Whichever way it goes, you’ve got to somehow have chosen it, but you can’t choose it unless you already exist as a creature who has preferences. You can’t get back behind yourself in such a way as to be responsible for the kind of person you are.

There’s a two-word Latin phrase; you can’t be causa sui. You can’t be the cause of yourself.

But you’d somehow have to get to be the cause of yourself to take fundamental ultimate responsibility for yourself and therefore for your actions that flow from the way you are, and therefore we do not have free will. I think you can’t escape that conclusion.“



Kto sme teda my, zvyšky prastarých národov, potomkovia veľkých dobyvateľov, a čo sa stalo, že doktrínu nahradilo moralizovanie, militantnosť nahradil chorobný pacifizmus a nadčloveka zráža k zemi egalitarizmus? Či nie sme potomkovia Wotana, praotca všetkých bojovníkov, ktorý na bojovom poli udeľuje život alebo smrť? Nie je to práve Wotanova vôľa, aby sme vykročili znova [...]

Boh. .. ..


Konečný stret so St. Hawkingom -on mi išiel oproti, Ak je Boh je nad časom a priestorom, nesmrteľný, všadeprítomný a všemohúci – potom : Boh nemá počiatok, ale bol vraj príčinou sám sebe, bol vraj vždy, ale nepripúšťa jediný dôkaz o sebe. Boh je vševedúci , je mu všetko jasné – dokonale pozná i svoju podstatu a nič o tom neodkázal po prorokoch i po [...]

hope in the Bible


X It just seems so obvious to me. It’s either works (of the law) or it’s faith in Christ. It cannot be both, these are not the same thing. It can only be one or the other. You’ll have two groups on judgment day, those who are of the works of the law, and those who are of the faith of Christ. Only one of these two groups will inherit eternal life, because as we established already they [...]

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Splní Putin Prigožinov sen? Po Šojguovi môže padnúť aj Gerasimov

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