BE SELF SUFFICIENT- In other words intellectually Independent. We live in a world where previously accepted scientific facts and societal norms have been retailored so as not to disturb the fragile emotions of a very small (but noisy) swath of society. The news no longer informs you of current events, Its sole function is to indoctrinate you that views you held yesterday were wrong, condition you on the views you must hold today and prepare you for the nonsense that is coming tomorrow. In a world where inferiority has been rebranded as diversity and the the media is a weapon of the weak to cudgel the strong, you can be certain that what is accepted as truth today will be wrong-think tomorrow. To be self sufficient is to be able to separate fact vs. fiction and right vs. wrong for yourself. Even if functional necessity dictates that you must where a veil of convinient falsehoods in order to blend in with the masses, Satan’s Infernal truth will burn within you.
BE SELF CONTAINED – In otherwords having all the motivation that is needed within oneself, emotianally independent. The simple platitudes and slogans of society are designed by conditioners to epotionall shock the masses into compliance. ‚War is peace‘, ‚Stay home, stay safe,‘ ‚Ignorance is strength.‘ These are all slogans meant to appeal to the emotions of those who are not emotially independent, where repetition can make a lie into a fact. If Satan’s truth is within you and you are motivated by your own priciples then no amout of slogans or societal conditioning will cause you to lose your balance.
BE SELF MADE- In other words becoming successful by one’s own efforts. We have all had guides and mentors throughout our lives that have showed us truths that helped make us who we are, so no one one really starts off as self made. The key to thie principle is to build a foundation from those truths upon which we build a fortress for ourselves and Satan. Toil today for what you will have tomorrow and the rewards will be yours alone. However those who avoid hard work or borrow too much from others may find themselves indebted and their fortress owned by somone else, or no fortress at all of this life you cannot depend on Goverments, religious institutions or the charity of others to achieve what you want, because they will always let you down. Know the truth of Satan and let that truth motivate you into achieving and becoming all that you wish to become.

I bez Darwina


I bez Darwina si lze uvědomit, že patříme mezi ostatní zvířata. Trocha pozorování našeho vlastního života nás k takovému závěru brzy dovede. Nicméně – protože věda požívá autority, se kterou běžná zkušenost nemůže soutěžit – povšimněme si, co Darwin učí: že živočišné druhy jsou jen nahromaděním genů působících vzájemně a náhodně na sebe a na [...]

židia. .. .. .. .


Dodnes nikdo neodhalil veškeré lži a křivá obvinění, obsažené v tomto tvrzení, neboť lidé se bojí odhalit lživý původ křesťanské bible … I am reading this text.- Sounds good. Yet We will see. What do You make of it? K Thispart sounds good Historie nedává Židům nijak příznivou reputaci, ať již šlo o hebrejské, chazarské či sephardinské (španělské) Židy. [...]

– Dana-Christene Umanetz


„The darkness is death – we can speak, but we are not heard. We can scream but they turn their backs. We can run, but we cannot catch them. It is the dream where arms and legs won’t work they way they should, and the air is too thick to breathe. Loved ones walk a mile ahead, forgetting to stop as we fall behind. This is the reality of the darkness. We are buried alive inside [...]


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Ostnatý drôt / Koncentračný tábor / Sachsenhausen /

Nemecký súd umožnil proces so storočným bývalým dozorcom zo Sachsenhausenu

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Muž, ktorého nemecké médiá označujú ako Gregora Formaneka, bol vlani obžalovaný v 3 322 prípadoch z napomáhania k vražde.

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Chorvátska polícia objavila pri rodinnom dome telá dvoch detí, rodičov zatkla

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meteorit, Ural

Oblohu nad ruským Jakutskom rozžiaril asteroid

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