Reasons for isolation, alienation and not dealing with humanity.

Number one, and this is the most fundamental one. People are avatars and NPC borgs who have been conditioned by culture (all of them) in various ways and all those memes are determining factors which have shaped how thet perceive the world and what the influences of the environment which have impacted them, since they only conform and imitate their environment.
Secondly, people are full of biases and blind to them, people are also tainted with all forms of self deception and they overestimate themselves when it comes to everything due to the Dunning-Kruger effect and anosognosia of ignorance, competance and intelligence among other factors, so they are dumber that they perceive themselves to be, because the perception about themselves is not accurate, rather a self serving lie which maintain regarding how they evaluate themselves when it comes to how self deception works.
Another reason is tribalism and dogmatic loyalty/ingoup bias etc, since identification with any group is another determinign factor when it comes to ways of conceptual frameworks, dogmaatism, absolutism and behavior which manifestss in order to defend some bullshit which one has internalized because they wanted to be in some group and imitate the rest of the clowns which is why collectivism is for sheep and no one who is more sceptical and critical about all this phenomena, so you also get to witness how group influence make someone act and how their brain operates when they are among the group, which is the same shit that has plagued humanity and will continue to do untill the very end.
Moving on and adding more reasons, another one which people engage all the time is gossip and other abominable acts, in which a social species does when it comes to information so they can propagate it, since they dissaproved what Susan wear, because some bitch assumed that she needs to conform to her preferences and follow the latest trend in which she and the rest of the turds have been manipulated by the industry in order to buy so they can remain a brain dead consumer who depperately wants to fit in, as well as having a reason to discuss with other vermin with low IQ and other malicious intents so they can spread rumors and destroy reputations (I’m talking mostly about women, so if you are offended, you can go fuck yourselves as well as your male counterparts).
Next one, never make any assumptions about people, since all the prior factors are all responsible for the particular avatar which you should avoid dealing with, since their IQ varies when it comes to distribution, their education as well, not that education changes much, since this is also another biased assumption which people make, since being an academic has to do with specialization and not overall intelligence or philosophy/logic etc, since you could also be a gold medal athlete and still a retard when it comes to having personal anecdotes being used as confirmation bias or a biased sample which is not in any way representitive, or be a feminist clown who uses the apex fallacy in order to cherry pick some hyper successfull males and using this to argue as their basis in order to generalize and other bullshit who is motivated by ideological dogmatism and anti male bias, so we go back to the beggining regarding dogmatism and narratives as well as group think etc.
Also, people are not rational, which can never be the case anyway, but reactionary, so do not engage and take such risks, given the fact that you are dealing with programed animals who are triggered easily and operate with emotion.
Also, people don’t care to listen to anything which doesn’t have confirmation bias in order to validate their fairy tales regarding ontological narratives and other myths in which they rely on to function as dumb breeding machines in order to produce more wage slaves and just assume that they live in a democracy when they are not responsible for any decision making, which presupposes that they are in a position to have a consensus which deals with a wholistic approach to existing problems, but they can’t, since Jacque Fresco beat them to it with the Venus Project, so fuck them and let them be dominated by the enstablished dogmas and the monetary system, since thay can join their flat earth club and also talk about some consiracy theory, which this is just the system is structured to operate due to fiat currency and deby slavery by creating a paradox.
If this doesn’t suffice, I don’t give a shit, since the first paragraph is enough and everything else are just the aftermath/consequences of that, so it’s all determined based on conditioning. The rest are human nature when it comes to tribalism, since they myth of the blank slate has been dismissed when it comes to human nature regarding ingroup favoritism, you have Sapolsky talking about oxytocin which reinforces the ingroup clown herd animals and make them pro social as well as more hostile to others, since it has two fucntions when it comes to the savages and the rest are environmental influences, because no baby ever prayed or said that they are god’s chosen people, since the culture makes people retarded, since retards are just the procuct of other retards when in comes to tradition and norms, so you get metaphysics and some clowns which assume that they are superior etc.
That’s the shit stain of humanity in all its manifestations, and I stay the fuck away from all, since I am not interested to anything they have to say, since the internet open source libraries can do the rest so I can circumvent their pompus exhibitionism and anouncement about how many times they got creamed and using children or materialism as a proxy in order to peacock their vanity by saturating and magnifying everything because they want social approaval for getting fucked and be granted with a blue ribbon for the banality of sexual reproduction, so you can show them a meme of flies doing the same and use that to inform them as well with satire.
That’s what you’ll get with these abomionations which are not worthy of anything. That’s why you don’t care to join anything or enagage with any of them or be in a suicide mission to „save“ the world, which is because you are another piece of shit who masquerades when it comes to dishonesty, since you want to save yourself and you mask it with virtue signaling, because we are going to miss the clowns which assume that they are vital rather than more fertilized, because they haven’t reach deification and immortality yet so they can keep contriving bullshit to continue their cosmic exploration after they have witnessed Peterson cry on stage as a hero which laments the loss of meaning in the west.
Yeah, an epitaph for the metaphysical narrative in which marks the descend to nihilism.
No one is a hero, no one gives a fuck about Joseph Campbell and the „assumption model“ of the fixed Heroe’s journey and other fables regarding conforming to mythology and symbolic bullshit representations regarding imitation and repetitions which all aim to manipulate people in order to provide them with incentives so they can groom them to be subservient and disposable.
That’s why people commit suicide, since existence is sadism and tyrrany, and you are stuck here subjected to all this, but it won’t be long for me. Just a couple of years and then I’m fucking done.
No more repetition for the sake of the meat suit. I’ll ensure to terminate it and not be manipulated by it for more.
You can enjoy the circus and rationalizing this shit all you want, since life is the triumph of stupidity and nothing more.
One you become disillusioned, you see that you are just doing nothing. There is no investment to anything, nor anything which has not being repeated or see looping itself on this planet and how stupid and absurd everything is, since those who U.G. Krishnamurti have described are all fools, because they are always motivated by self interest to atain more, to check the fucking death list etc and once you’re done with this matrix of bullshit, you have zero interest in anything regarding to the gutter and those who are so obsessed with everything, that you can see that the human animal is just an idiot who will do anything to materialize what memes dwell in their pea brain, because this is the root cause of the problem, since they all want to manifest their bullshit, yet they all have a place for their depository of calcium when they will perish, since natures rewards the moron, the brute and kills the wise, because they kill themselves prior prolongue their lives or live in a way that they die to all impositions and not allow anything to reach them.
J.Krishnamurti said „Be nothing, and then you live.“, meaning that you reject the cultural bullshit and all propaganda. What you see out there is the outcome of the indoctrination from every environment so you can have a variety of scum.
Enjoy it, since the bio robots will keep doing the sam until they’ll all die.
That’s what you’ll be „missing out“ when it comes to cultural avatars and the memes which parasitize them.

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