nihilism. .. ..

The only reason that thinking exists is to manipulate the world. This process alone is a testament to how the world is predicated on something in which has only managed to divide the world by reducing it into categories, by fragmenting and isolating everything and by being bound into narratives which exist to not only deceive, destroy do to dogmatism of all kinds and all that is just a matrix in which one is held hostage.
What people refer to as nihilism is nothing but the refusal to accept anything that humanity wants to impose on you, so they can brainwash and manipulate you to follow, join some fucking group, conform and imitate, since no one like to have their fables challenged or rejected, since they are the avatars in which they want to transform them into reality because they are all fanatics and absolutists when it comes to their bullshit which cling to.
Dismiss and reject everything. Beliefs are all humanity’s inability to accept that they are nothing and all they do is to be clowns which have find a way to fall in love with the lies which they have constructed and live in as ontological narratives.
Cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker has document this in his book The denial of death regarding the human condition and the invention of belief systems in order to have their miserable lives revolve around it.
Let this fucking world perish, since they are trapped in the paradox of generating always more bullshit and as Jidhu Krishnamurti said, thought is limited because it’s born of of knowledge. Knowledge is limited due to the paradox of ignorance, therefore everything that will ever manage to manifest is limited, all theories, ideas ans systems are limited and everything replacing them is limited, so these clowns will always be trapped by everything and they will continue to be conditioned by the memes which they want to perpetuate.
There is nothing to be adhered to but negate. Once you do that. You are like George Carlin and have no stake in the outcome. The rest are propagandists and sheep as well as narcissists smelling their own farts about how important they are, because they think this is the case and because they thought so.
Humanity is a fucking cesspool. That’s why I don’t give a shit if it continues, since they can’t comprehend that death is preferable and that nature is nothing but a dumb process which resulted in all this and it’s not about preserving anything or pretend to do anything in order to feel significant and that there is a mission to be accompished by the morons who assume that everything has to do with anthropocentrism despite their hypocrisy when it comes to environmentalism as well, because every parasite depends on its host and so do they, because their only function is to keep doing so.
Nature is no different, since life is a parasitic infestation that all it does it to spread like a virus and all adaptations and evolution is just the same as it is with viral mutations in order to persist infecting.
Nature is a testament of stupidity and humanity is no exception, since all it does is to act in the same manner and perpetuate the same bullshit at the expense of everyone and that’s it. There is nothing to be argued when it comes to a fucking biological process repeating itself.



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židia. .. .. .. .


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