Archív: november, 2024

the body

Nothing has changed. The body is susceptible to pain, it must eat and breathe air and sleep, it has thin skin and blood right underneath, an adequate stock of teeth and nails, its bones are breakable, its joints are stretchable. In tortures all this is taken into account. Nothing has changed. The body shudders as it shuddered before the founding of Rome and after, in the twentieth century […]

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José Ortega Y Gasset as quoted by Ernest Becker in The Denial of Death

Take stock of those around you and you will … hear them talk in precise terms about themselves and their surroundings, which would seem to point to them having ideas on the matter. But start to analyse those ideas and you will find that they hardly reflect in any way the reality to which they appear to refer, and if you go deeper you will discover that there is not even an attempt to adjust the […]

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qualia;Is there something I’m missing?

Basically, I’ve talked to quite a lot of people on reddit, mostly on religious debate subs, who will argue that all experience is „just neurons firing“ or „just neurological metadata,“ etc. They don’t seem to be merely claiming that subjective experience can’t exist without a physical body; that much I would understand. I get how within physicalism, […]

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~Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest men and […]

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Dennett, 1991). [. .. ]

„Finally clues come from science. The most obvious (and scary) conclusion from modern neuroscience is that there is simply no one inside the brain. The more we learn about the way the brain functions the less it seems to need a central controller, a little person inside, a decider of decisions or an experiencer of experiences. These are just fictions – part of the story […]

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What signs do you look for to determine if someone’s interest is genuine and not just talk?

It’s a powerful realization: lack of effort almost always signals a lack of genuine interest. We’ve all encountered people who make grand promises, who speak beautifully about their intentions, who use words to paint a picture of what they want you to believe. But if actions don’t align with those words, what do you really have? Just empty echoes, echoes that often serve as a tool for […]

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Tear off their veils and take what’s yours!

betrayed by the lie she is hiding her shame ‚Cause truth is a mirror of pain Scorned by the masses and fooled by sovereigns Who’d stolen her garments to make lies prevail Sentenced to death in Callisto’s old womb Her calls are in vein down her cold lithic tomb Smoulder from stakes of the centuries of gloom Absorbed by the fissures of her……Shattered bones Shadows like […]

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„Zastaralosť ľudstva”

Už v roku 1956 napísal nemecký židovský filozof Günther Anders túto analýzu ovládania ľudstva v knihe: „Aby bola prípadná vzbura vopred potlačená, nemalo by sa nikdy nič robiť násilím. Metódy, ako boli tie Hitlerove, sú už definitívne zastarané. Stačí vytvoriť v spoločnosti také podmienky, aby samotná myšlienka na vzburu vôbec nepripadala do úvahy. […]

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Listen up, Men!

The more women like you, the more your life is in danger. Fact. You need to be very careful when your success, your presence, your financial status, or even just your charisma starts to attract more women into your life. Why? Because this is where things get dangerous. Think about it. A man who has too much attention from women is at constant risk of being distracted, manipulated, and taken down. […]

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Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death; neurotic

Modern man is the victim of his own disillusionment; he has been disinherited by his own analytic strength. The characteristic of the modern mind is the banishment of mystery, of naive belief, of simple-minded hope. We put the accent on the visible, the clear, the cause-and-effect relation, the logical—always the logical. We know the difference between dreams and reality, between facts and […]

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Rusko zasiahlo Ukrajinu medzikontinentálnou raketou, tvrdí Kyjev. Západ má pochybnosti, skúma to

Rusko zasiahlo Ukrajinu medzikontinentálnou raketou, tvrdí Kyjev. Západ má pochybnosti, skúma to

21.11.2024 10:39

Rusko už na Ukrajinu páli aj medzikontinentálnymi balistickými raketami, tvrdí Kyjev. Podľa viacerých zdrojov nemá ísť o medzikontinentálnu strelu.

ONLINE: Zelenskyj sa pýta, ako Západ odpovie na novú ruskú raketu. Medvedev: Chceli ste to? Tak to sakra máte

ONLINE: Zelenskyj sa pýta, ako Západ odpovie na novú ruskú raketu. Medvedev: Chceli ste to? Tak to sakra máte

22.11.2024 06:15

Rusi krátko pred útokom experimentálnou raketou stredného doletu na Dnipre informovali Spojené štáty.

V uniforme a bez povolenia armády doniesli Putinovi 52-tisíc eur. Starosta a exposlanec SNS poslúžili ruskej propagande

V uniforme a bez povolenia armády doniesli Putinovi 52-tisíc eur. Starosta a exposlanec SNS poslúžili ruskej propagande

21.11.2024 20:36

Krok starostu si samozrejme všimla ruská propaganda a aj ruská štátna.

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