
Despite this phenomenon, projection is what humans do all the time. Also, this phenomen in which is described seems like nothing more that manipulation in which serves as confirmation bias in regards to the the one who has projected to the other, only to confirm that the other has done that which he did when they respond to the one who projects to them so they can trigger the other and then blame them by using this a confirmation by continue to project. The discription could be easily be reformulated, but I’m not a fucking psychologist, but I do suggest to stay away from relationships, since the shit that you have to deal with do no worth the epigenetic costs, since psychology fails miserable when it comes to take into consideration multiple factors when it comes to how people have been conditioned by their environment and how their perception and behaviors are the aftermath to that which also contributed on how they represent the world and the rest is just the genes which epigenetics shaped regarding their genetic make up, so all there are presupositions in which are all determning factors for who one end up to be the way they are. As far as the defense mechanisms go, I agree that humans are just irrational animals in which the mostly operate with emotions and they are not ever aware that they are projecting due to the unconsious, which is why they are all fucked, since nature only creates clowns to do its biding by. I’m still is support when it comes to misanthropy and exile from the cesspool of humanity. There is nothing which can be done about the human condition, unless someone can come up with the most effective way and cause extinction as the red button efilists have used as a hypothetical in the past. Humanuty projects to nature as well by atrubuting characteristsics in which they don’t exist. The project to animals their ignorance and assumptions when they anthropomorphise their behaviors etc. They project the bullshit in which they conttrive regarding belief systems and worship objects in which they atribute and associate traits that the tradition and culture which then were raised has condition them to believe and identify with and imitate. Feminists project their dogmatism and contrive term like phallic architecture when it comes to shapes so they can perceive and interpret, as well as have as a loop of confirmation bias in order to assume that everything is a patriachal symbol of oppression and dominance so they can justify their projections and narratives so they can have men as a scapegoat, as this also has been and still is the case with projection with groups and this was just another example. That’s why humanity is just another abomination which has spawned from nature to be nothing but a beast and a brute. The rest are their collective illusions and narcissism which they use in order to justify their existence. All they do is manipulation and this example is just another strategy which is not a defense mechanism, but a mechanism for agression, and in order to do so, they need a target, since this also reminds me of the Terror management theory where a trio of social psychologies and scholars of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker studies how death reminders made people behave, or what they did in order to compensate when the death denying beliefs in which they conform to had them to manifest a variety of hostile behaviors and project them to others in order to defense theit illusions, which is the cultural conditioning when it comes to the memes in which which dogmaticaly adhere to in order to repress death anxiety, since the rest is just decades of studies by Sheldon Sholomon and two others who conducted them in order to point out even with experiments like the one who used subliminal death prime to demonstrate that even that causes unconsious defense reaction and agression in which is manifested by projecting it. The depravity of humanity is infinite, since they are scum and they dellude themselves otherwise by pretending that they are „civilized“. All they do is what they evolved to do to others in order to justify their behavior because they as slaves to the biology which we all know that is stupid in the way that it operates, yet, this is the result in which nature doesn’t concern itself with, as long as ll this banefits the one who is its instrument. The rest is the complete denial of everyone to akncowledge that this species is a compete and total failure so they can stop the process, because nature is the triumph of the retard.

Si ma videl sa ako opičiaka hompáľať na strome, keď si nariadil na pakárni muža zakáľať?


Ja som ti nikdy nič za čo, by som ťa musel trpieť neurobil, a nehodlám ti slúžiť aj keby si ostal vo svojích sračkách úplne sám, lebo ja ťa na háku mám ako mňa ty po celý život ..navyše si ma postrčil do psychiatrického ohňa v, ktorom zhorel môj most konexií, lebo tvrdíš, že ´z teba mám menejcennosti komplex´? Si ma videl sa ako opičiaka hompáľať na strome, [...]



x oheblo je cicho? Dostalo steblo, aby sa chytlo? Ale v tej hlave asi nesvitlo? Ja som sa neidentifikoval s krucifixom ku, ktorému ma prikoval, keď ma infikoval svojím šialenstvom a nútil ma aby som napikoval hlavou proti múru v rýchlosti, lebo ma odkopáva ľavou zadnou, a tvrdí, že sa to ´stáva´………

keď sa odpichnem od dna. .. .. .


Každá akcia prináša konsekvencie preto vykonštruoval proti mne obvinenia, aby sa sám v spoločnosti dobre situoval, aby som mu jeho šialenstvo na mňa ušité kvitoval, keď ma prebodol zrakom ako som po uši zaľúbený; hovoril som, že moja domovina je môj kraj zasľúbený jednostaj, že spojím nespojiteľné dovedna, keď sa odpichnem od dna……

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