Some people. .. .. .. .. ..

Some people talk about you because they lost the privilege to talk to you, their careless words and actions severing the connection, leaving them with only whispers of what could have been, and a lingering regret for the relationship they destroyed, a constant reminder of their own shortcomings.
Their gossip is a reflection of their own insecurities, deep-seated fears, and shattered pride, a desperate attempt to regain control and relevance in a situation where they’ve been rendered powerless.
But know this: you rose above the drama, closed the toxic chapter, and chose self-respect, reclaiming your voice, rediscovering your strength, and emerging stronger, wiser, and more resilient.
Their words can’t define you, for your worth isn’t measured by their opinions, your strength isn’t shaken by their rumors, and your heart remains untainted by their malice, fortified by the knowledge of your integrity.
You’ve moved forward, upward, and onward, leaving the shadows of negativity behind, embracing a brighter future, cultivating meaningful relationships, and surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire.
Remember: your silence is power, your distance is protection, and your growth is redemption, a testament to the transformative power of self-love and resilience.

a priklonil sa na stranu smrti?


rozhodovať čo je ´dobro a zlo´; čo je ´moje dobro´ on rozhodol a pre toto ´dobro´ ma eutanazoval? pre moje dobro ma dal popraviť? rozhodol teda pomenoval dobro a zlo, život a smrť?on rozhodol medzi mojím dobrom, ktoré je pre mňa ´dobré´ a mojím zlom, ktoré je pre mňa ´zlé´? teda rozhodol medzi mojím životom a mojou smrťou, že? a priklonil sa na stranu smrti?

tu je to miesto


tu je to miesto ide o to dať komu co proto gro existencie, ktorej je mu ľúto nezožral im nič lachvato iba strach z očí šiel na neurčito čit niť za, ktorú chcel čití polapiť není zbytí vše to mýti … klameš z očí do očí hlava sa rozskočí dvihla obočí ten priebeh sveta, ktorý je vypočítateľný aj keď v ňom nepanujú žiadne zákony iba [...]

sociopaths masquerading


Does anyone comprehend the implications regarding Metzinger’s work regarding the phenomenal self model and the mental representaion in the context of deception and the model/s in which one can use on order to manipulate others by simply simulating a self and act it out as a role? This modeling process of representation alone regarding a model in which one creates in order to interact witht [...]

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