human nature

The debate about the blank slate about human nature seems to not have yet fully settled when there are still proponets that completely deny the existence of human nature and make the argument that everything is environmentally determined when it comes to enculturation and that there are no human universals.

Enviroment shapes bahavior and conditions everyone. This is a fact. Humans are a conformist species and they imitate each other and adhere to the norms which each environment enstablishes because they don’t have any choise nor a priori knowledge when it comes to empirical knowledge and epistemology, rather, they just accept the normality which others prior to them have also conformed to which entails indoctrination via narratives, rituals, belief systems, traditions, customs etc. That is all factual and can be easily documented in al their various manifestations from small tribes to more so called advanced cultures, where instead of shamans, they have a bunch of clowns who wear robes and chant in temples and sit passive by having associated that with praying, since that’s how suciptible the mind is and once it has internalize and identify with every kind of crap, they become automatons/NPC and just imitate and repead their conditioning.

I’m not targeting religion by the way, since humanity is still operating under their favorite metaphysical doctines and bullshit which they adhere and conform to for the sake of identifying with symbols, nations and everything that it has been pumped in their brain since they were born, because every culture is propaganda and not something that informs its members about anything regarding such topics, because it depends on people’s conformity, thus is promotes it in order to maintain every entablishment etc.

To me, and having read Ernest Becker’s work, all cultures to this day remain dagmatic regardless if they deny it, since as social engineer and futurist/polymath Jacque Fresco said, culture is still primitive and not emergent, meaning that most things remain fixed and dogmatic for the sake of self preservation and in order to control people.

Now, since the human condition was shaped prior to any cultural setting, and since the environment is always a determining factor, why is it that people evolved to lie and manipulate by using language in order to conceal their motives and used all kinds of strategies when it came to social interactions, and I’m not talking about the contemporary society but using an evolutionary approach to how what I’ve said in the past regarding human nature in the context of deception and manipulation.

How can one determine „honestty“ if all bahavior only aims to be self serving and is masked by the myth which is sill refered as altruism, because humans are always confronted with the nature of interdependency and have pressures to conform in order to pretend to care about others because that way they can facilitate their own survival?

Are they still on denial mode? Are they all suffer from anosognosia and the Dunning Kruger effect when it comes to self assesments ans self perception which is nested in deception? To me, this is obvious, because despite that we know that most of brain activity and motives exist prior to consious awareness in order to manifest into action due to determinism, how is one so certain that they are not what they deny and repress or conceal so they can better pretend in order to consiously make themselves appear as the opposite, which is the case anyway, that’s why I use satire when it comes to quotes with references to theaters and cineams, where pretention exists out there without an entrance fee?

Of course, for most people, the assumption/s about others and that humans are not like that, only manage to demostrate their ignorance, since they are not in a position to know what anyone is, for the sole reason and the fact that has do with ignorance, which remains a constant, since I’m not going to repeat myself again when it comes to what I’ve refered about impressions in general, as well as the model which one constructs based on first impressions and a series of interactions, in which humans use to manage how they will present themselves so they can mamage to be tolerated and be integrated and navigate the social environment by constantly remain in flux, and if one could monitor and document this, we could have evidence about how the human condtition/nature that would leave no room for debates and arguments, if one could quantify the depths of human depravity and deception/manipulation that people utilize on a daily basis and always deny, since if we assume that they mostly operate on an unconsiouss level, which I doubt, since this contradicts the fact that strategy would also occur unconsiously, when this is not the case, since the brain is a dynamic system which remains in flux, then , you already have delved into a domain where there is nothing but not a well constructed persona, but an endless theater being played for each occation in which everything is instrumentalized in order to be a means to an end.

For anyone to accept this, since I don’t intend to write an essay that consists of fifty paragraphs, one would have to concede and admit that human nature is to be what I refer as covert sociopathy in which everything and everyone becomes a pawn for one to forward their agenda by constantly shifting and adapting in order to pretend as long as it benefits them, and since no one else has real time access to their brain as everything manifests, they are in no position to know anything about them, since the formation of that model has to do with a representation which is not, nor it will ever be accurate, since it’s sole function is propaganda and to broadcast falssehood for the sake of navigating the environment and have a network of people in which they rely on in order to better faciltate their strategies, thus, conformity is fundamental, but also mimicry is fundamental as well as the video which I’ve posted a while ago about the subject of virtue signaling as a strategy about lying in order to appear a noble clown and manipulate other people’s perception, which they engage in the same act as well, since they care to be included, approved and integrate themselves to the herd, solely for utilitarian functions, which are all predicated on strategy and nothing more, since the rest is just a facade.

If one takes all this into consideration and disregards any idiotic categorization and reductionist bullshit in order to dismiss facts that will never will revealed by the scum of humanity, you end up the scapegoat and labeled as a cynic, because you already have transgressed the stage in which all this takes place and tear it down, because as always, those who are always pretending have a problem with the truth, which inevitable lead to misanthropy.

Socialization is the bigest lie of humanity when it comes to the layers in which they use to stratify their hypocrisy, when in fact, the only motivation which underlies everything, from group dynamics, collectives, friendshits and relationshits is utility and usery for one’s own end, so what people claim are lies which are used in service of appearing as something anything that contradicts the underlying shit which they always conceal and the rest are advertizing and self promotion to the rest and vice versa, since the world is polulated with saints (lol) and not actors, in which their miserable lives depends on how effective and convincing they will be in order to manipulate others so they can benefit from them.

I’m still not talking about contemporary societies and monetary systems though, since the focus remains on human nature, which is beyond foul and the rest is just adaptations in order for one to be within a group and to utilize that group.

Your „friend“ Bid might want you to be a proxy in order to promote him by saying something that portrays him as nice so he can appeal to your sister which he aims to fuck, yet, what is the motivation for instrumentalizing you such easily in order to get to your sister;s pants is that he wants to exploit your friendship as an opportunist in order to mate and he wants to make an impression to her, so you are the recruit/pawn in which you are going to influence your sister, because he asked you, so congratulations.

And just an adendun for those who are still operating in their categorical black and white thinking of absolutes and „Don’t be so cynical bruh.“ I’ll respond the usual way and keep it simple and brief, so go fuck yourselves if you assume that our perceptions are equal in things which only a few people can penetrate and desrcibe, granted, not at an academic level, but from a misanthropic perspective when it comes to the denial of human nature, since you don’t need Robert Trivers to talk about the evolution of deception, not something which isn;t memetics like in Dawkins The selfish gene, since most people tend to forget the origins of the human animal and that it was shaped by their ancestral environment.

Besides that, deception in nature is the norm when it comes to overt and covert adaptations as mechanisms in favor of differential advantage. The only difference with humanity is that they have social costs when something reveals their hypocrisy, and they search for scapegoats to accuse in order to avoid being caught or deny everything even in the face of evidence, because whatever interferes with their strategies is a perceived threat in order to play their manipulative games which never want to be exposed.

Luckily for you, there are no longer small tribes, but, the impact regarding reputation is greater now due to gossip and technology, so people kiss everyone else’s ass in order to compromise and harness benefits and continue to do so, since once you’ve enstablished a network in which you want to utilize, you will not risk it, because there is too much at stake, but guess what? People will keep doing the same in order to expand their network if they can manag them since each association offers new avenues for other utilities, so their kin selection, as the evo scientists use the term is essential, so everyone can use each other for their own ends, which is why everything regarding humanity is a joke and a veneer of bullshit, once you take a completely different perspective and penetrate through every claim and lie in which exists in order to gaslight you, when you already know that this is just another manipulative strategy in order to deny everything.

Have fun in the gutter and leave the black pill for those who can bear it, since humanity is a verminous species that deserves the worst, since their ontology is such that they have been equiped with a brain in which is a weapon and only serves as a predatory in regards if how it can manipulate its environment for it’s own ends.

The rest is just fables that aim to portay humanity as something in which only exists in the context of language and desciptions, but that’s not sufficient to convince anyone who operates in a different level, since people are intolerant for those who see what they are doing, since they despise all those who tell them what they are, which is not a single entity and all this contrived bullshit about a self, which Metzinger has been decontructed, but an adaptation machine, in which operates acording to the circumstances, in this case, the performative acts which they exhibit at any given moment by shapeshifting as they model and simulate strategies and behaviors in which manage to be in service of that.

The cost of knowing this is alienation and solitude, not bullshit about being in service to humanity and compassion regarding the human animal, since if anything, omnicide is the only act of permanence in regards to the elimination of the problem, because, as with anything else which manages to perpetuate itself, you end up having to deal with a consant, and this is why humanity deserves to die, because it’s capacity is such that has only to do with only negative atributes that favor only utilitarian purposes, and in a final note regarding antinatalism, you always have to remind yourself that this world is a Gulag, or as Schopenhauer described it, a penal colony, in which each kid doesn’t only serves a life sentence, but is groomed by the tribe to be reduced to a utility in which is will be avaluated about its performance, because there is only extrinsic value which only comes from the aftermath of the indoctrination as the presupposition, so you can be a lifelong slave and a utility, since you need to generate new ideas and contribute to those who have yet to relize that the existence of life is the problem, but they don;t give a shit, because you only exist as a problem solver, after they refuse to eliminate them by focuing the root cause of the problem, because there is work to be done isn’t it?

Enjoy the fucking gutter. I only have a few years left and then it’s submission to oblivion and not extending any servitute and suffering for the sake of „making the world a better place“ as the retard mantra and slogan, in which better means, more self serving regardless of the cost, since people want human capital and ponzy schemes, because „it’s all about me.“, so fuck them and everyone else as well.

This world deserves nothing but a meteor big enough so it can smash everything into perdition, as people talk about existential threats, so it can be more comical and ironical.

As the wise sage Jordan Cretinson continues to say, you have a role to play (pun intended) and your absence leaves a hole behind (lol), because your potential lies on how much they can squezee of you and then become obsolete, since there are others which are in line and ready to be manipulated by narratives in which everyone employs in order to manipulate and control you, because nothing has been fully automated yet, so you can be like in The Venus project, since only then you“ll get to be „free“ from wage slavery so you can sit back and have technology and science being implemented for the benefit of humanity, where you do require to participate as much, because your life matters and everyone enjots having you around as they reject whatever doesn’t conform to their life affirming lies, since you are a minority, so fuck you, because every corpse which have been stacked was worth it, because you will now have free access to everything as well as open source acess to everything, so you can manifacture you perfect girfriend which you always wanted with your 3D printer and have her as your companion, because she can simulate facial expression and lie as well, but only because you like to be deceived and have a robot that does the same of humans, but to a far lesser extend, so rejoice and have it fully customised when it comes to the pretentious presets.

Just like a real girlfriend, with the exception that you already know that your device is lying compared to Susan which was manipulative you in order to convince you that Tim is just a „friend“, so just keep suffering and „grind“ because it’s all going to worth it, and then you can go see another fucking movie when you can just go out there as film one yourself when it comes to acting skills and ceremonies about awards and give the movie a fitting title, such as „It’s all about being honest“ so it can be a comedy/satire and then tell eveyone that this was dedicated to them you they can dissaprove of you.

Zarezlý výhybky


Vymlácený sklíčka z vitráží, a mříže rezavý. Starý oprýskaný nádraží, kde vlak už nestaví. Vajgly v květináčích a tuny prachu na římsách. Zarezlý výhybky, tvý starý sny, spí utopený v kopřivách. Kolikrát sis duši spálil, když´s ty sny chtěl vyrvat ven? Kolikrát se jiní smáli tvýmu boji s osudem. Kolikrát se jiní smáli a [...]

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tak ho prosím z omylu  vyveď


zľakne sa a kľakne taktne tne do živého boha pustého človeka z kapusty ktorý mu skrz prsty uniká je to asi mnemotechnika v cmote chemoterapie diskordiána, ktorému sa otvára telesná schrána aby to riskol ten mord bude sa to diať stačí vytrimac príde zima nespokojnosti jeho velebnosti kata v cele smrti chcel by praštiť hlavou o zeď tak ho prosím z omylu vyveď


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