~ Sri Ramana Maharshi Talk 199

The ladies later asked several questions relating to their present inability to realise the already realised, eternal Self. The sign of Realisation would be Bliss, which was absent.
Maharshi said: There is only one consciousness. But we speak of several kinds of consciousness, as body-consciousness, Self-consciousness. They are only relative states of the same Absolute consciousness. Without consciousness, time and space do not exist. They appear in consciousness. It is like a screen on which these are cast as pictures and move as in a cinema show. The Absolute consciousness is our real nature.
D.: From where do these objects arise?
M.: Just from where you rise. Know the subject first and then question about the object.
D.: It is only one aspect of the question.
M.: The subject comprehends the object also. That one aspect is an all-comprehensive aspect. See yourself first and then see the objects. What is not in you cannot appear outside.
D.: I am not satisfied.
M.: Satisfaction can be only when you reach the source. Otherwise restlessness exists.
D.: Is the Supreme Being with or without attributes?
M.: Know first if you are with or without attributes.
D.: What is samadhi?
M.: One’s own true nature.
D.: Why then is effort necessary to attain it?
M.: Whose is the effort?
D.: Maharshi knows that I am ignorant.
M.: Do you know that you are ignorant? Knowledge of ignorance is no ignorance. All scriptures are only for the purpose of investigating if there are two consciousnesses. Everyone’s experience proves the existence of only one consciousness. Can that one divide itself into two? Is any division felt in the Self? Awaking from sleep one finds oneself the same in the wakeful as well as in the sleep states. That is the experience of each one. The difference lies in seeking, in the outlook. Because you imagine that you are the seer separate from the experience, this difference arises. Experience shows that your being is the same all through.

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