
Quite often, I see Judeo-Christians attack Pagan deities for „cross-dressing“. At the same time, their clergy, priests as well as monks, literally cross-dress 100% of the time. Yes! Your priests and monks are wearing DRESSES (robes). They are ALL cross-dressers.

Now, I know WHY they do this, so let me explain….

Our (Pagan) traditions are based on animism, the idea that there is a spirit in everything. These spirits, however, are not always clear-cut male or female. In fact, they are pretty much always hermaphroditic (both male and female). Therefore, in some European cultures, e. g. the Sun Deity was a God (like in the Greek one), and in others (like the Germanic one) a Goddess. In reality, though, the Sun deity was both male and female – everywhere.

Our forebears believed in sympathetic magic, meaning that you gain the power of what you impersonate or pretend to be. So to gain the power of a deity, they dressed up as that deity, and basically LARPed as that deity. By doing so they BECAME that deity!

Now, since the deities were both male and female, this meant that a man impersonating the deity would have to put on a robe, i. e. women’s clothing, because the deity was both male and female. And, likewise, a woman impersonating a deity had to put on man’s clothing on her upper body. For the same reason.

Now, Judeo-Christianity is completely and utterly just a cheap copy of Pagan religions, where all sorts of Pagan ideas and myths and ideals have been swallowed raw (and never digested or understood), so naturally, their clergy is just like the PAGAN „clergy“: they too „cross-dress“. Although, they have no idea WHY, and it makes ZERO sense for them to do so, and they have ZERO power over anything at all. It just proves that they never understood the customs they copied from Pagan religions.

Yet, this is the reason WHY the Judeo-Christian priests and monks dress as WOMEN. This is the why they are all cross-dressers.

In the case of the Pagans, it had nothing whatsoever to do with what we today think of as cross-dressing, there was nothing sexual about it, but as we know from crime statistics, it might well be related to that for Judeo-Christian clergymen, who are, as we all know, massively over-represented in rape cases and sexual abuse cases against especially same-sex children.

Thank you for your attention.

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