Through The Mist Of Tears
9. novembra 2024 12:52,
Prečítané 38x,
In the quiet of the night, whispers fade to cries,
Shattered dreams in fragments, beneath the starless skies.
Empty echoes linger in a heart worn and bare,
A symphony of sorrow, a soul lost in despair.
Through the mist of tears, the world’s colors fade,
Each breath a weighted burden, in this endless masquerade.
Hope’s fleeting silhouette, a ghost in the night,
Lost in the labyrinth, where darkness holds its might.
Silent screams reverberate in the chambers of the soul,
A shattered mirror reflects a self beyond control.
Forsaken by the dawn, in the depths of this abyss,
Despair’s cruel embrace, an unyielding, relentless kiss.
The tapestry of life, now woven with despair,
Threads of shattered promises, tangled in the snare.
A requiem for lost tomorrows, sung with silent cries,
In this haunting ballad of sorrow, where hope fades and dies.
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