satan, hell and self

Well, bad people can wear the skin of good people and exploit the fact that any given person is a hypocrite…. You know, convincing them that they are the real deal


However, you could just 1. Not be a hypocrite and have solid general beliefs. 2.simplify the perspective into something that isn’t ego oriented


Like the idea of lack of limited causality and the presence of an eternal self


A self that is yours


And that this is self isn’t a self on its own


Like, that doesn’t require religion to believe


Cosmology believes it too

Just not as directly


So, that means there’s no need for anything

Not Jesus

Not Lucifer not satan

Oh, so you believe in spacetime? I mean, it is there but it will end and it isn’t coming back

Zero is the root of eternity and it is logical that the input isn’t going to be the same as the output…. But regardless, the input is there at the same moment as the output… And will be the same as the output too in the context of eternity


That’s why you can overwrite whatever it is that is going to be determined by the essence of what you actually believe if you want

No one is the good guy here anyway… It is all about what you actually want


Btw, have you ever heard of the millennial reign? Well, it is something that talks about the age of darkness that already took place in the start of the middle ages

An age of darkness that is ruled over by the so-called christian religion


Why would the bible say something like that? I mean, it isn’t talking about a utopia when it says „ruling with an iron rod“

Same thing with Islam, it said stuff about the doom of the arabs

Why would they mention stuff like that if there’s no darkness within humans already?

I mean, sure… It can make people Afraid

Those culminate into what is called hell or the collective dark side of humanity

Those culminate into what is called hell or the collective dark side of humanity

And what do they say about hell or hel?

That it is possessive

Satan is the same as the old testament guy because it is the same. It means to be stuck in the past, particularly if that past carried trauma and darkness


To be beyond the past and whatever comes after it in a separate sense is to be beyond limited or linear causality

I mean, whenever a moment passes… You don’t feel as connected to it compared to the present right?

And eventually, you forget what you ate last week, you may forget what today’s date is and things like that

That’s what a limited perception of causality means

The flaw of that photographic memory is that you place too much importance on recalling physical life

where do you draw the line between physical life and other

Well, some people die in a psychological sense


And so there’s the struggle of the common people who either believe in the half truths or the other half that is the lies… They are both right in the wrong ways anyway. However, those who incite that stuff… They don’t believe in consistency or truth.

, lebo ten kto se táže sa z povrchu zeme zmaže. .. .


som bol vo víťaznom ťažení, keď moje paže ronili krv po rezných ranách, lebo ´pán´ reval, že ide cez moju mŕtvolu tam kde ľudskej nohy není, že ja nemám předurčení, že mi nakáže všetko a všetko zakáže, lebo ten kto se táže sa z povrchu zeme zmaže….

pomedzi nohy štveral a svoju poslednú cestu do hrobu meral. .. ..


zem nasala moju krv; spoločnosť sa zo všetkého vylhala, aby moje posraté spodky na verejnosti kunda prala……tyran v bielom plášti sa ma jal degradovať, lebo pán do mňa strčil svoj fal, keď som sa od radosti svetom ponevieral; ma atakoval, aby zničil mier, aby som sa pred ním mu pomedzi nohy štveral a svoju poslednú cestu do hrobu meral…..

urobia invalida, lebo sa na neho urazila hnida.


nikdy som nepredpokladal, že bude znemožňované mne ´porozumenie´ silou, že mi bude naparené väzenie, keď ma ´stotožnia´s asociálom, ktorý by ´uspel málom´, že mi naložia co proto, a budú ma týrať kým ma nevykynožia, že moje snahy neosožia, že vnútorné dieťa bude umorené bolesťou bezprávím, že z človeka , ktorý bol celkom zdravým urobia invalida, lebo sa na [...]

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