(The Culling Conspiracy)

Let me tell you a story
In 2003
I had a patient in my drug free medical practice
Who was a head of state…and one day
She said “You know it’s almost time for “The Great Culling” to begin”
She said “The Great Culling”
When you thin the herd
I said “What are you talking about?”
She said “It’s almost time for the useless eaters…to be culled”
And she said “Those are the people who are consuming our non-renewable natural resources”
According to what I was told…by this women
There is a council of seven men and
They make long term decisions about what they want to see happen
Which country rises
Which country falls
Which economies prosper
And it’s really important to understand…that these people have
No affiliation to a religion
No affiliation to a nation
No affiliation to a political party
They are acting according to their own rules and their rules are
Not the ones that the institutions we believe in…adhere too

Sub-human sacrifice
Society will fall
5 billion will remain
Pure bloods they infiltrate
They begin The Culling
Thinning out the enslaved
Planting seeds of destruction
We all will burn the same
The Culling protocols
Mass murder of us all
The science will reveal
Vaccines are used to kill
Infection global spread
Conspiracy are fed
Confusion panic grows
Prophecies are once reborn

(The Culling Conspiracy)
3 billion deaths
1 billion through simple starvation
Those folks who die are not particularly
From the point of view of the corporations
But the next…
2 billion
They will die from the
Preventable diseases…of under nutrition
Who will live?
Probably those people
Who are wealthy enough and powerful enough
To have their own pushers of clean food and nutrients
Thats who will live



transmisia panstvo sa smeje niekde v tvári humanity omilostenej ideje ktorú mu venuje nie je to sen deklaruje z pekla v, ktorom šaleje roztrhnutý vo dvoje .. Keď je človek odkázaný na Boha asi nemá veľmi na výber. … zavreli sa za mnou dvere ta, kde nikto za mnou nemôže moje ja sa s tým už nepere išlo v zlých stopách a v zlom smere aj tak mu to nikto nežere po [...]

umenie samovraždy


slová slová ťarcha prchavá vrch, ktorý nabila plešivá speváčka mámi ma v jej tieni hniezdočko vtáčka nechytačka druhý dych makačka mačka vyškriabe jej oči lebo človek mieni a boh mení nič na samovražde není tak prečo pení? sa mu z kečky plešatej herečky? prečo toľko gení? Satanove bečky? je toto zrení? ..



rácia despondencia kadencia utilitarizovaného stavu kreácia nezmar sa plaší kde-kade iba v tejto krutovláde sprvu postráda vodítko dítko šťasteny? smietko života a štyri steny … hřbitovní kvítí slunce svítí je mi k zblití z toho žití nežití než sa namaniem už tu nie som nebudem keď ma to chytí do hĺbky sa otrasiem toto čití niť po, ktorej [...]

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