Carefully did she choose Where her feet would gain further ground, Each step an extension of the idea Behind the symbolical trumpet. Behind her, closely, a growing trail of golden flames, Ready to consume the bridge, that was just being crossed By her who commands both dawn and dusk, in its entirety, Leaving but a skeleton of stone. Upon reaching the end said bridge, now groaning Under the [...]
Ego Sum Omega The fathoms of truth are where darkness is deep And triumphant over ideal and intellect Mesmerizing, paralyzing spirals of fear They become relief, spirit, and belief Skulls ascend high heaven’s eye Death will receive, drowning pride in grief, Birth will come and tears will dry Rather hear the ones carrying hearts of no light For but insects feed on stigmata They did fall in [...]
Differentiation is the evolutionary process of creating distinct elements or parts within a system. This process is essential for the emergence of diversity, individuality, and complexity. Differentiation allows for the specialization of parts and the introduction of novel features and functions within a system, contributing to its adaptability and evolution. However, when differentiation is [...]
Predsedníctvo zároveň vníma konanie Huliaka ako snahu o rozbitie národných síl.
Minister vyhlásil, že sa u riaditeľa sa potvrdil konflikt záujmov.
Vyše 55 % zdravotníckych sestier a pôrodných asistentiek je vo veku od 50 do 60 rokov.
Ukrajinský prezident na summite upozornil, že je to Rusko, ktoré eskaluje situáciu nasadením severokórejských vojakov do vojny proti Ukrajine.
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