How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!
I will always be grateful to the god of black metal that gives us the opportunity to discover every day wonderful bands from around the world, like Grey Heaven Fall from Podolsk, Russia, a black metal trio formed in 2006. Black Wisdom is their second album and I feel safe saying that it is a gem. In the music of the Russian band the listener can hear echoes from throughout the history of [...]
“The body of the woman is the overwhelming triumph of flesh. The woman is a concrete universal; she is a world, not an externalized world, but under the world, the warm interiority of the world, a compressed internalized world.” —Gilles Deleuze / Seneca / . „Withdraw into yourself, as far as you can. Associate with those who [...]
Nothing has changed. The body is susceptible to pain, it must eat and breathe air and sleep, it has thin skin and blood right underneath, an adequate stock of teeth and nails, its bones are breakable, its joints are stretchable. In tortures all this is taken into account. Nothing has changed. The body shudders as it shuddered before the founding of Rome and after, in the twentieth century [...]
Zahynula spolu so svojím priateľom. Tragédia v Novom Sade si vyžiadala celkovo 14 obetí.
Predstaviteľ Hamasu však označil túto ponuku za "frašku" a uviedol, že rukojemníci budú prepustení len na základe dohody, ktorá ukončí vojnu a zruší blokádu Pásma Gazy.
Upozornila na to poslankyňa Martina Holečková. Ministra práce Erika Tomáša žiada o zachovanie príspevkov na diétne stravovanie.
Jan Veit žije v Štátoch 30 rokov. Za ten čas sa krajina zmenila, prevahu v spoločnosti majú tí, ktorí viac kričia.
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