Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

Nature has protected the lower animal by endowing them with instincts. An instinct is a programmed perception that calls into play a programmed reaction. It is very simple. Animals are not moved by what they cannot react to. They live in a tiny world, a sliver of reality, one neuro-chemical program that keeps them walking behind their nose and shuts out everything else. But look at man, the impossible creature! Here nature seems to have thrown caution to the winds along with the programmed instincts. She created an animal who has no defense against full perception of the external world, an animal completely open to experience. Not only in front of his nose, in his umwelt, but in many other umwelten. He can relate not only to animals in his own species, but in some ways to all other species. He can contemplate not only what is edible for him, but everything that grows. He not only lives in this moment, but expands his inner self to yesterday, his curiosity to centuries ago, his fears to five billion years from now when the sun will cool, his hopes to an eternity from now. He lives not only on a tiny territory, nor even on an entire planet, but in a galaxy, in a universe, and in dimensions beyond visible universes. It is appalling, the burden that man bears, the experiential burden. As we saw in the last chapter, man can’t even take his own body for granted as can other animals. It is not just hind feet, a tail that he drags, that are just “there,” limbs to be; used and taken for granted or chewed off when caught in a trap and when they give pain and prevent movement. Man’s body is a problem to him that has to be explained. Not only his body is strange, but also its inner landscape, the memories and dreams. Man’s very insides—his self—are foreign to him. He doesn’t know who he is, why he was born, what he is doing on the planet, what he is supposed to do, what he can expect. His own existence is incomprehensible to him, a miracle just like the rest of creation, closer to him, right near his pounding heart, but for that reason all the more strange. Each thing is a problem, and man can shut out nothing.
Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death



se mu zlíbilo kedy-tedy tejrat človeka vytříbeného poldruha roka sa vyhejbal potom bejby spustil řízenou demolici ľudskej bytosti a zrovnal ma so zemou ……… kedy-tedy ma týra podle libosti nikdy nemal som dosť ´ľudskej blbosti´ hlboko ponižovaný zosmiešňovaný vypliešťal som oči plné sĺz šťal kocky pán do živého ťal na verejnosti prepieral, že som mu [...]

dlhoval som ti ja dačo v živote?


Som zostal konsternovaný, keď mi vysvetľoval, aby som sto rokov za opicami nezaostal, a zaobaľoval ten šok do hlúpych naráźok, som mal pocit akoby mi ubalil, ale tvrdil, že len čistého vína nalil……, že sa mi plán provalil….., aby ma povalil? Aby ma spomalil? Pamäť mi zakalil? veľa vecí nasvedčovalo tomu, že ten človek ma rád nemá, ale vysvetľoval som [...]

život aký je. .. .. .


Neverím, že sa zmysel života nachádza len v jeho prekonávaní, aj keď ´prekonávanie sa života´ je vlastne iba spôsob ako prijať neprijateľné, ako čeliť nemožnosti samej….. x Ja neverím, že žijem z dobrej vôle kohokoľvek. x Slovo, ktoré mi ukradol zo mňa robilo muža, ktorým som bol rád za cenu obete akú som priniesol, aby sa uskutočnilo moje sebaprekonanie, [...]

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