Bavarian Illuminati;katalepsis

Several Boring and Unfortunate Truths About the Illuminati and the Greatest Occult Secret
We’ll get into the real Illuminati in a second, but Firstly, many scammers use the word Illuminati and connect them with Baphomet, so you will find yourself unable to use the word here. My apologies, but it is for your protection. Many of the scammers have adapted and simply target people in the comments with a thread reply trying to get them to message them, so ignore them and report them please.
There are now several groups that have called themselves the Illuminati, and several versions of imagined Illuminati. The Illuminati of one-world order lore was in fact a secret society of the 18th century known as the Bavarian Illuminati. They were real, but they weren’t trying to control the world, they were trying to remove religious authority and superstition from politics. They were secular, perhaps atheist. So their secrecy was warranted. And of course, their secrecy was short founded.
The Catholic Church launched a fatal propaganda campaign against the Bavarian Illuminati. A propaganda campaign that has gone so well that even now that they no longer exist, their lore as an evil world order continues on. And we see it emerging again now in particularly religious conservative circles and even becoming a talking point against political parties – yes, people are still accusing their political opponents of being in league with the devil, drinking the blood of children, and so forth. All eerily similar to 16th century witch hunts.
The great occult secret is that there is no god. Many occultist were simply charlatans and making it up as they went along and being formidably obfuse, but for earnest practitioners, the goal was only and always to free yourself from your own mind.
That how you tune your mind will determine your thoughts and perceptions and how you see the world. We are bombarded every day by impressions and the temptation to assent to them is great. But if we withhold assent for the impressions that are reliably correct and true, we approach katalepsis. Clarity.



Predstava, žeby bolo bývalo lepšie nikdy nebyť sa stretáva s najvetším nepochopením u tých, ktorí nám kladú najviac opozície. Každý človek, ktorý sám seba vidí iba z vnútra si myslí, že nie je postrádateľný, každý človek sa vidí v totalite, v absolútnej celosti, ako celý. V moment keď sa identifikujeme ako so svojím bytím úplní sme ako boh, reagujeme ako boh. [...]

moja finálna agónia?


ukazuješ na mňa prstom hovoríš nič v zlom ani dobrom po tvojom nech je teda ďalej tu bude bieda strieda rada? čo povieš rozumbrada? taká je tvoja zásada? trýzeň sa mi stala existenciou rochním sa v blate ako v hmote, ktorá ma ako molitan dusí? nie som bohužial Peter pan len nechcel som byť tak celkom sám v tomto boji denno dennom rozpoložení neformenom bezduchom tanci smrti [...]

kým on reve, že moje týranie je to orechové pravé, a pod slnkom nič nové. .. .. ..


Z rajskej záhrady som bol expresne deportovaný do psychiatrického pekla, kde ´pán´vrešťal, že do mňa to žena neřekla, že pod jeho paprčami zhorím do tla, keď zbúra moje sebavedomie on a jeho rúra…Reval, že pre ´dobro humanity´ budem od nej separovaný, lebo som mu nedal ´pol slova´do bitky a to mi ´zazlieva´, keď mi psychiater do hlavy choré rozumčeky nalieva, [...]

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