Baphomet and Lucifer

Baphomet is not a deity, demon, god, angel, or devil. Baphomet is a symbol created by Eliphas Levi, who himself was in search of the so-called „True Catholicism“ (as was everyone in France in those days).
Levi himself was pro co existence, he wanted religion, science, and politics to be able to play nice together in a time when religion and science were at ends with each other. Some regard him as having socialist principles.
Levi also looked outside of his religion to other religions for guidance, including Greek mysticism (Hermeticism), Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) and Gnosticism (a minority Christian group that were largely extinguished by mainstream Christians).
The symbols from these different approaches to understanding the universe were encoded in Baphomet. Levi likened it to a universal spirituality.
The Church of Baphomet aims to continue this theme of evolving universal spiritual concepts by looking at commonalities across several belief systems. You will find many proverbs (secular wisdom) in religious books often carry similar tones.
One such concept is Cosmopolitanism – which is inherently consistent with the act of looking outside your established patterns of thought given to you by tradition and happenstance. To withhold assent to impressions until you can be sure they are correct and a true reflection of the universe. Not so much with banal questions like whether matter is a particle or a wave, but about what you should be doing with your time right now, how you treat others, how you judge them, how you interpret and react to others, and how you avoid duty and responsibility. About what exactly are your duties and responsibilities as a citizen of the universe?
 Baphomet had nothing to do with Satan until Satanists co-opted the image because they think it’s cool and edgy.

Lucifer’s number is nine, nine being the number of pride as any number nine is multiplied into returns to itself. (Example: 9×5=45 – 4+5=9)


Lucifer also being known as the “Angel of pride”. This represents being proud of all things we do! Lucifer’s color is blue, blue being the color of the sky and water representing that Lucifer is all around and within us.


That Lucifer is the prime element/energy that motivates and cultivates our world. Other colors Lucifer is associated with are white and silver, so accordingly altar pentagrams must be surrounded by blue with a silver/white pentagram with a black border (Shown on page ).

Lucifer’s element is air, air being that which allows us to speak his words of truth as his manifestation on Earth. Lucifer’s direction is the east, east being where a lot of the sacred wisdom and the great wars will come from. It was once stated to me by a Germanic Luciferian that “a wise Magickian from Persia an Arab will come and bring with him the Aeon of Lucifer” or in lay-man’s terms the Antichrist.


Lucifer’s human element is wisdom or applied knowledge, with time, study and practice it is believed that man can attain the Lucifer state, this only through applied knowledge or wisdom.


Lucifer’s altar element is incense, incense being a representation of air, known to Luciferians as “sweet air”.


Lucifer’s planetary element is Venus, Lucifer being known as the morning star or first star of morning, otherwise known as Venus. Venus, known as the “Planet of love” represents the beauty of Occult World (Latin for light bearer/bringer or Lucifer).


Lucifer’s consort/Female aspect is Lilith, Lilith being the first wife of Adam before becoming the queen of the damned. It is said Lilith comes from the mud and the dust and is queen of the Succubi/Luciferic Witch.


When Lucifer and Lilith mate they equal the androgynous being known as “Baphomet” or the “Goat of Mendes” also called “God of the Witches”. Lilith’s number is two, also known as the number of the eternal female.


Lilith is considered an equal to Lucifer to some, and the feminine aspect of Lucifer himself to others. Lucifer’s highest manifestation is through understanding of oneself, this being the goal of the Magickian/Luciferian to begin with, being as Lucifer himself, total awakening of the human god-form Lucifer.


Without knowing the self,one cannot hope to achieve any real understanding of anything else. Applied knowledge in action is a prime example of Lucifer’s manifestation!


The Lucifer Principle

By Rev. Frederick Nagash

High Priest Emeritus

Church of Lucifer

Zarezlý výhybky


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