mental illness essay. .. .. .. ..
2. novembra 2024 11:15,
Prečítané 92x,
This isn’t true. Can we all agree to stop spreading this harmful rhetoric that „intelligent“ (a subjective and problematic term) people are miserable? It’s romanticising mental health problems and making people think they’re clever for being pessimistic. In reality, being negative all the time doesn’t serve you. Being critical is definitely useful, it can lead to better decisions and ultimately more happiness sometimes. Yeah you may realise that the world has many horrors, but there is no use constantly dwelling on things you either can’t change, or things you could change but you won’t. Always challenge your negative thoughts rather than accept them as truth, and you will find that many of your negative thoughts are irrational and over-generalised. As someone who suffers from depression and bouts of anxiety, I know it’s hard to do that, but it’s the wisest way to deal with it. Stop saying these mental health problems are just a deeper understanding of reality, they’re ILLNESSES. Sorry for the essay
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