jesus christ is suicide

Irrational, illogical and preposterously ludicrousDenatured, deprogrammed to blindlygo against what we areHuman ideas turned concrete, materialOur funeral drape now hewn fromthe fabrics of imagination
Turning the other cheek, this never worked withing the wildYou’d be a meal in seconds, cycle of life, natural lawNow see this Jesus Christ, a thorn in the side of rightNo fight or flight? Anything else is simply suicidal
No love for enemies, I see their eyes,waiting there in the shadowsExtended hands will only be severed,you’ve condemned yourself to the gallows
Jesus Christ is suicide.
Sighting the blind, sheltering the poorBlood into wine, but all is fair in blood and gore
Sensational, unanimous, we need a heroUnguided, this chaos that makes humans what they areHow neutered, how secure, new drones to shovel the manureKeep the masses sedated, validating theirtendencies for hatred
Jesus Christ is suicide
Alas, so sweet are the sentimentsAghast I stand in your ignorance, unclean
he must hate every one of usHe would enslave every one of us forever,
No love for enemies, I see their eyeswaiting there in the nightExtended hands will only be severednow you realize Christ is death.

“Death is nothing at all” by Henry Scott-Holland


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 Grey Heaven Fall from Podolsk, Russia


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—Gilles Deleuze and Seneca


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