„Father-Son“ thing. ZABOOR;“Eternal Gospel brought by an Angel to be preached to the world“
1. novembra 2024 18:12,
Prečítané 31x,
If you consider that Paul introduced Pagan Mangod teachings to Israel, and gave sons to God although Jesus Rebuked the Demons for calling him „Son of God“ in Luke4:40-41, and you consider the fact that Paul made Christians Lawless and falsely named it „Grace“ (Exodus31:18), and you consider that the Jews beat Paul up severely and turned him to the Romans to be killed in Public and Mathew23:15 says he is in Hell (being a self acclaimed Pharisee), I would dismiss the „Father-Son“ thing.
Simple difference of Bible God and Quran God is that neither any of Krishna’s about 50 fellow Pagan Mangods, nor Satan Yahweh/Baal nor Satan Jehovah/Baal is listed as being Creater of Heavens and Earth except Allah (Gen.1:1-Arabic Bible) with other Bibles having appropriate names in place of Allah e.g. Adonai, Elohim, Hashem, Elah etc.
God killed Queen Jezebel of Israel in a terrible way for introducing Satan Yahweh/Baal and Satan Jehovah/Baal worship to Israel in Mathew9:33-37.
Bible is a man made compilation of ZABOOR, Injeel and Taurah which was found to be 80% corrupt, leading to the red letter Bible production, which is not mentioned in Quran, but Bible calls Quran „Eternal Gospel brought by an Angel to be preached to the world“ (Rev.14:6)
The reality of Palestine in the words of a Palestinian Christian.
This is seen as a situation where only Jews and Muslims face each other. This is an ignorant approach to genocide.
If you defend the killing of over 10,000 innocent civilians, shame on you. This is not Christianity.
What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is not something a Christian can defend, yet an Evangelical Satan Yahweh/Baal Worshipping, God Hating Christian sponsors the killings:-
The reality of Palestine in the words of a Palestinian Christian. This is seen as a situation where only Jews and Muslims face each other. This is an ignorant approach to genocide. If you defend the killing of over 10,000 innocent civilians, shame on you. This is not Christianity. What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is not something a Christian can defend.
Ak som všetky prekáźky v živote prežil náhodou, a nijak sa o to nepričinil tak môj život je náhoda…….. Keď človek nemá nad sebou absolútnu moc sa stáva ľahkou korisťou, lebo človek človek prirodzeným nepriateľom. Na druhú stranu, keď máš nad sebou absolútnu moc musíš znášať následky svojich činov do dôsledkov….. Nakoľko sa vo [...]
Žiadna skúsenosť s tým človekom ma dopredu neposunula, ale do regresu…….nemám akú skúsenosť s tým človekom opisovať, lebo on zničil každú pozitívne zažitú skúsenosť moju, a mi nanútil vlastnú moju popravu za bieleho dňa……. Zo svojej cesty za víťazstvom ma upratal do ´undergroundu´, kde patria invalidi ako ja……. Žena [...]
…….. chcel by som na tom niečo zmeniť, ale jednostaj pretrváva ten pocit, že som nepovedel z mosta do prosta nič na ostatok bol chaos, ktorý som neustál stratil som ideu pneumu umanutú prišiel na ranu bola škoda hrkútať neviem upútať hútal som zaodený akoby to bol sen a ja sa nezobúdzam z núdze hľadal som medze ale z ruky mi nikto nezobal preto mi dali na hlavu [...]
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