Archív: október, 2024

Satanic affirmations

The cold misty veil of frost Shadow eternal call The shapeless twisted darkness With Aurora Borealis illuminates the northen soil Among mighty forests Hills and mountains mightier than The words of gods – here lies the path The path to the nightshadow Through the moonblue night The dim and dusky light The nightshadow crawling hunger A key to the abyss Here – in the majestic north Here […]

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dats my jew. . . . .

At the end of the nineteenth century, kosher butchering and vivisection (animal experimentation) were the main concerns of the German animal welfare movement. The Nazis adopted these concerns as part of their political platform.[11] According to Boria Sax, the Nazis rejected anthropocentric reasons for animal protection—animals were to be protected for their own sake.[12] In 1927, a Nazi […]

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The reason that I regard Metzinger as one of the best philosophers of our time is because he has manage to incorporate neuroscience, eastern and western philosophy regarding deconstucting the myth of the supposed self as an assunption and pressuposition in the context of not only phenomenology but also how it functions as to simulate and maintain a mental model/representation that is not true, […]

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purpose of life; to abide in the self. . . . . .

Self [edit] See also: Brahman and Prakasa Ramana Maharshi described his Self as a „force“ or „current“, which descended on him in his death-experience, and continued throughout his life: … a force or current, a centre of energy playing on the body, continuing regardless of the rigidity or activity of the body, though existing in connection with it. It was that […]

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„A stupid person is a person who causes harm to another person or group without experiencing any gain or even harming themselves, due to their own actions.“ 7 Lessons from The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity by Carlo M. Cipolla: 1. Stupidity is Universal Cipolla asserts that stupidity is a common trait found in all societies and cultures. He argues that everyone is susceptible to acts […]

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horor šou. .. .. .. .

nikdy za cenu života, by som nebol si dovolil k druhému človeku čo ku mne si dovolili; čo mne spravili; radšej by som zahynul; prekročili všetky prahy bolesti; mňa si samovrah na hruď privinul; hovoril, že som sa so životom neminul…… samovražda´ je slabé miesto človeka; slabina; človek, ktorý je podlomený zdravotne; mentálne; má nízke sebavedomie; odkopnutý […]

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who knows?

No that is not the case. If we did that we would be brain dead and certainly not have evolved to the point we are today. Discrimination – and judgement give us the ability to make better and healthier choices for a more positive and connected existence. When we evaluate, we often project our own opinions, fears, or desires onto the situation. This distorts reality and limits our […]

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– Thomas Ligotti, The Tsalal

„There are no faces except masks held tight against the pitching chaos behind them. There is not true growth or evolution in the life of this world but only transformations of appearance, an incessant melting and molding of surfaces without underlying essence. There is no salvation of any being because no beings exist as such, nothing exists to be saved – everything, everyone exists […]

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~ Bertrand Russell, from ‚Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? ‚

Why does God allow evil? The world, we are told, was created by a God who is both omnibenevolent (all-loving) and omniscient (all-knowing). Before He created the world He foresaw all the pain and misery that it would contain; He is therefore responsible for all of it. It is useless to argue that the pain in the world is due to sin. … If God knew in advance the sins of which man would be guilty, […]

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We are a dumb species

The irony with the philosophers, as well everyone else who is arguing from the assumption that their is something metaphysical about a „soul“ are all wrong, because the soul is just another mental contruct which cannot be proven, since mental activity has nothing to do with souls, only representations/simulations of how one perceives themselves based on the amount of bullshit that […]

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Kuffova autonehoda je plná kuriozít: za služobným autom ťahal vozík plný dreva. Štátny tajomník mlčí

Kuffova autonehoda je plná kuriozít: za služobným autom ťahal vozík plný dreva. Štátny tajomník mlčí

30.01.2025 10:20

Michal Kiča uviedol, že ide o hrubé porušenie disciplíny.

Do Lidla na čapované pivo. Reťazec otvorí prvý obchod s vlastnou krčmou

Do Lidla na čapované pivo. Reťazec otvorí prvý obchod s vlastnou krčmou

30.01.2025 15:55

Nový gastrokoncept pripravovali už niekoľko rokov, realizácii bránil právny spor.

Fico nemohol pristáť v Bruseli, mal tam ísť rokovať o ruskom plyne. Premiér opäť pohrozil Ukrajine zastavením finančnej pomoci

Fico nemohol pristáť v Bruseli, mal tam ísť rokovať o ruskom plyne. Premiér opäť pohrozil Ukrajine zastavením finančnej pomoci

30.01.2025 17:18

Rokovanie premiéra Fica s predstaviteľmi eurokomisie o zastavení tranzitu ruského zemného plynu na Slovensko preložili na pondelok.

Známy pôrodník zverejnil fotky nahých pacientok. Neetické a necitlivé, čelí vlne kritiky

Známy pôrodník zverejnil fotky nahých pacientok. Neetické a necitlivé, čelí vlne kritiky

30.01.2025 10:20

Dočkal sa však vlny kritiky nielen na sociálnej sieti, ale aj od svojich kolegov. Príspevok neskôr stiahol.

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