
„In your land one God may be enough, but here we have need of many. I will pray to all of them for you. Do not be offended!“
– Herger the Joyous
We are here, come to know us.
Attributes of the Gods and Goddesses:
Ægir and Ran – Gods of the Sea, pray to them for calm seas and a safe voyage.
Baldr – the most beautiful God, son of Óðinn and Friggja, joyful and kind, honor him for his gifts.
Bragi – God of Poetry, pray to him for inspiration in song and creative writing.
Eira – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for good health and for healing.
Fjorgyn – Earth Goddess,mother of Þórr, honor to her, she is our Mother Earth (Nerðus-Jorð)
Forseti – God of Justice and Truth, son of Baldr and Nanna.
Freyr – Vanir God of Fertility, son of Njorð, to be honored at Blót
Freyja – Vanir Goddess of Fertility, daughter of Njorð, to be honored at Blót
Friggja – Goddess of the Hearth, wife of Óðinn, Queen Mother of the Gods, to be honored at Blót
Fulla – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for good harvest.
Gefion – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for wisdom.
Gna – attendant and messenger to Friggja, pray to her for healthy child birth.
Heimdahl – Guardian of the Gods, as Rig, Father to mankind.
Hel – jotunn daughter of Loki and Angrboda, sister of Jormungand and Fenrir. Ruler over the Realm of Helheim.
Hermod – God of Hospitality, welcomes the heroes to Valhalla
Hlin – attendant to Friggja, pray to her if in mourning.
Hodur – God of the Blind, twin brother of Baldr
Hoenir/Vili – Brother of Óðinn, warrior god, gifted mankind with mobility and the senses.
Idunna – Goddess of Youth, daughter of Ivaldi, wife of Bragi.
Lodur/Ve (Loki) – Brother of Óðinn, clever god, gifted mankind with blood and life essence.
Lofn – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for love/relationships.
Loki – Jötunn, son of Bergelmir, Blood-brother to Óðinn.
Magni – Son of Þórr and Iarnsaxa.
Måni – the Moon-god
Moði – Son of Þórr and Iarnsaxa.
Nanna – Goddess of Joyfulness, wife of Baldr, mother of Forseti.
Njorð – Vanir God of the Sea, father of Freyr and Freyja, pray to him for harvest, wealth, journey.
Norns – Goddesses of Wyrd, Urð, Verdanði, Skuld
Nott – Goddess of Night
Odur – God of Journey-Seekers, husband of Freyja.
Óðinn – Aldaföðr, All-Father of Gods and Mankind, King of the Gods, husband of Friggja.
Saga – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for insight and understanding.
Sif – Goddess of the Harvest, wife of Þórr.
Sigyn – Goddess of Fidelity, wife of Loki.
Skaði – Jotun, daughter of Thiazi, warrior goddess associated with the Hunt, Winter and Skiers. Wife of Ullr.
Snotra – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for insight and virtue.
Sol – Sun-goddess
Sunna – Sun-goddess returned
Syn – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for justice.
Þórr – God of Thunder, the Sky, Fertility, and Law, son of Óðinn and Fjorgyn, husband of Sif.
Týr – God of War, son of Friggja and Óðinn. Most courageous God
Ullr – God of Winter, Hunting, Archer-Skier, son of Sif, husband to Skaði.
Vali – God of Vengeance, son of Óðinn and Rind.
Var – attendant to Friggja, pray to her when oath are given.
Viðar – God of Strength, son of Óðinn and Grid.
Vjofn – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for peace, in life and relationships.
Vör – attendant to Friggja, pray to her for faith.

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