The predatory mindset is real

When a wise man like Aklahyel Goni speaks we have to listen to him..
Listen up, Men! She is still with you because she is broke.
The truth is, most of the women you’re dating or married to today are sticking around because they need a financial leg up. They’re broke, they’re jobless, and for now, you’re the answer to their problems. But pay close attention—once they start making money or find a new hustle, you’ll see them questioning the relationship. Suddenly, they’ll think they’ve “outgrown” you, or they’ll start talking about “finding themselves.” This isn’t an exaggeration; it’s a calculated move that too many men fall victim to.
Here’s a hard fact: among the wealthiest women in the world, most didn’t build their empires from scratch. They were handed massive settlements in high-profile divorces, used their marriages as launchpads, or were given stakes in companies started by their fathers or husbands. While Oprah stands as a rare self-made success story, she’s the exception, not the rule. Research from the Forbes Billionaire List reveals that over two-thirds of the world’s wealthiest women acquired their fortunes through inheritance or marriage. Names like Mackenzie Scott and Melinda French Gates come to mind—not because they’re self-made billionaires, but because they gained immense wealth through divorce settlements.
Think about the numbers: in the United States alone, women initiate nearly 70% of divorces. And for college-educated women, the rate jumps to 90%. Women are driving these breakups, and they’re often using the legal system to walk away with half of a man’s assets—sometimes more. Men are being stripped of wealth they spent decades building, while ex-wives profit without having lifted a finger to build those fortunes.
The financial impact of divorce on men is devastating. According to the American Sociological Association, men experience a significant income drop after divorce, while many ex-wives see little to no decline in their lifestyle, especially if they’ve secured alimony or child support. Statistics from the Journal of Marriage and Family show that divorced men face a 21% decrease in standard of living post-divorce, while women’s economic prospects can actually improve with the right settlements.
The predatory mindset is real. You might think she’s committed, but if she’s financially dependent on you, don’t be naive. The minute she finds a better financial situation, she’ll be thinking about the exit strategy. This isn’t some fairytale—it’s a harsh reality. From celebrities to everyday men, there’s a pattern here. Women like Amber Heard, who pocketed millions from Johnny Depp, are prime examples of how quickly some women can switch from “in love” to “lawyered up” when there’s money to be gained.
The system itself encourages this behavior. Divorce courts are not friendly to men—far from it. The scales are tipped in her favor, allowing her to claim alimony, child support, and a sizable chunk of any assets you’ve built. This isn’t empowerment; it’s legalized extraction, and you’d better recognize it for what it is.
Now, I’m not saying all women are out to drain you, but a lot are driven by financial motives. You need to be sharp enough to recognize the signs. If she’s leaning on you to make ends meet, don’t assume it’s loyalty. Make sure you’re on your guard and that your finances are protected. Real power comes from keeping your assets secure and knowing where you stand.
Men, this is about survival. Protect yourself. Understand that true loyalty comes from character, not convenience. The world is filled with women who see men as stepping stones, and if you’re not careful, you could be their next rung on the ladder.

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