Christian Zionists from Russia, the UK, and the USA, support the genocide of Palestinians. So what is a Zionist and a Christian? Look at the Deaths in the Crusades especially in Spain, Slavery in the USA, Apartheid, Segregation in the Southern USA, the Genocide of Native Tribal Americans in Northern America, the Genocide of Jews in Germany during WWII, the KKK in the USA, Donnie the Commie Trump uses speeches coded of hatred, racism, and the church minded policies to suppress education by removing dictionaries in the Schools of Florida 2023 are new and wide spread, Nazi concentration camps ( nazism was endorsed by the Catholic Church ) and the associated atrocities we never spoken against by the pope or the believers of jesus. The list is very long. The Z and C are death cults that traumatize children from a very young age. ZIONISM and CHRISTIANITY are Terrorists organizations endorsed and supported by government. It’s time to stop the terror, murders, genocides and mind control. When we don’t speak out we are are a part of the problem. when we do speak out we are a part of a solution. We should never tolerate the severe dominance of these ancient religions to dominate life and liberty and to endorse all things that the religion endorses, promotes and funds that hurts innocente babies, children, women and adults of all races, economic standing and personal ideals
they call fascism any form of human success and decency;only jews are allowed to be above everyone else
In fascism, action transcends mere choice; it is an imperious duty. Action encapsulates the very quintessence of the fascist spirit, for without it, one becomes utterly ineffective. It is through resolute action, steadfast effort, and unyielding vigor that the fascist aligns with their ideology. Action serves as the unifying force that binds the nation and embodies the multifaceted dimensions of the fascist ethos.
In the eyes of the alien militants or intellectual of the young post-fascist generation, Evola presented the advantage of proceeding from a vigorous internal critique of fascism without ceding to anti-fascism.sink or swim
At the end of the nineteenth century, kosher butchering and vivisection (animal experimentation) were the main concerns of the German animal welfare movement. The Nazis adopted these concerns as part of their political platform.[11] According to Boria Sax, the Nazis rejected anthropocentric reasons for animal protection—animals were to be protected for their own sake.[12] In 1927, a Nazi representative to the Reichstag called for actions against cruelty to animals and kosher butchering.[11]
vodca izraelskej teroristickej skupiny a niekdajší premiér Izraela vyhlásil :
……„Naša rasa je vládnúcou rasou. My sme posvätení Bohovia tejto planéty. My sa odlišujeme od podradnejších rás aspoň tak, ako sa tie odlišujú od hmyzu. V porovnaní s našou rasou sú ostatné rasy divými zvermi a zvieratami, v lepšom prípade domácimi zvieratami. Iné rasy môžeme pokladať za ľudské výkaly. Našim poslaním je vládnutie nad podradnejšími rasami. Nad našim pozemským kráľovstvom bude náš vodca vládnuť železnou rukou. Široké masy budú lízať naše päty a budú nám slúžiť ako otroci“!
In the globalist ideology of the circumcised Frankfurt school, if you love your country you’re a fascist, but if you love sex with children you’re a progressive hero of the new world
jews selling holocash stories on the moon
I can imagine the discussion between them and the aliens: boss, 6 million died, give some cash here to daddy
The hexagram is an old Occult symbol used to put a curse or hex on a people
if you know how to live a balanced life you keep the vibration high and zionist leeches won’t exploit you
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