The providence of the Deity

The providence of the Deity appears not immediately in any operation, but governs everything by those general and immutable laws, which have been established from the beginning of time. All events, in one sense, may be pronounced the action of the Almighty. They all proceed from those powers with which he has endowed his creatures. A house which falls by its own weight, is not brought to ruin by his providence more than one destroyed by the hands of men; nor are the human faculties less his workmanship than the laws of motion and gravitation. When the passions play, when the judgement dictates, when the limbs obey, this is all the operation of God, and upon these animate principles, as well as upon the inanimate, has he established the government of the universe. Every event is alike important in the eyes of that infinite being, who takes in at one glance the most distant regions of space and remotest periods of time. There is no event, however important to us, which he has exempted from the general laws that govern the universe, or which he has peculiarly reserved for his own immediate action and operation. The revolution of states and empires depends upon the smallest caprice or passion of single men; and the lives of men are shortened or extended by the smallest accident of air or diet, sunshine or tempest. Nature still continues her progress and operation; and if general laws be ever broke by particular volitions of the Deity, it is after a manner which entirely escapes human observation. As, on the one hand, the elements and other inanimate parts of the creation carry on their action without regard to the particular interest and situation of men, so men are entrusted to their own judgement and discretion in the various shocks of matter, and may employ every faculty with which they are endowed, in order to provide for their ease, happiness, or preservation.



Predstava, žeby bolo bývalo lepšie nikdy nebyť sa stretáva s najvetším nepochopením u tých, ktorí nám kladú najviac opozície. Každý človek, ktorý sám seba vidí iba z vnútra si myslí, že nie je postrádateľný, každý človek sa vidí v totalite, v absolútnej celosti, ako celý. V moment keď sa identifikujeme ako so svojím bytím úplní sme ako boh, reagujeme ako boh. [...]

moja finálna agónia?


ukazuješ na mňa prstom hovoríš nič v zlom ani dobrom po tvojom nech je teda ďalej tu bude bieda strieda rada? čo povieš rozumbrada? taká je tvoja zásada? trýzeň sa mi stala existenciou rochním sa v blate ako v hmote, ktorá ma ako molitan dusí? nie som bohužial Peter pan len nechcel som byť tak celkom sám v tomto boji denno dennom rozpoložení neformenom bezduchom tanci smrti [...]

kým on reve, že moje týranie je to orechové pravé, a pod slnkom nič nové. .. .. ..


Z rajskej záhrady som bol expresne deportovaný do psychiatrického pekla, kde ´pán´vrešťal, že do mňa to žena neřekla, že pod jeho paprčami zhorím do tla, keď zbúra moje sebavedomie on a jeho rúra…Reval, že pre ´dobro humanity´ budem od nej separovaný, lebo som mu nedal ´pol slova´do bitky a to mi ´zazlieva´, keď mi psychiater do hlavy choré rozumčeky nalieva, [...]

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