deti sa skydli z kopca vystydli

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movitý majetok
basta fidli
vezmi vidly
deti sa skydli
z kopca

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood


„Loneliness is not just the absence of people. It is the absence of purpose, the absence of meaning. When you find yourself in a world where everything seems alien and distant, where every connection is superficial, and every attempt at understanding is met with indifference, you realize that true loneliness is not being alone, but feeling alone in a world that no longer makes sense.“

~ Hannah Arendt, from The Life of the Mind


Nothing and nobody exists in this world whose very being does not presuppose a spectator. 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘩 𝘈𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘺 Oct 14. 1906 – Dec 4, 1975 Seen from the perspective of the world, every creature born into it arrives well equipped to deal with a world in which Being and Appearing coincide; they [...]

Schopenhauer’s pessimism


I dare say Schopenhauer’s pessimism is much gloomier and heavier than that of the suicidal Mainlander. Even though Mainlander paints a picture of a fractured cosmos doomed to decay, cannibalism and devastation as a result of the death of God, he at least maintains the integrity of the traditional God as a forethinking force. And should this lost unifier be brought back to life, all hope [...]

lesby, homosexuáli

Poľská vláda navrhuje registrované partnerstvá pre páry rovnakého pohlavia

18.10.2024 18:06

Podľa poľskej ministerky pre rovnosť Katarzyny Kotulovej ide o "historický deň".

čerpanie eurofondov graf

Brusel nám odklepol štvrtú platbu vo výške 800-miliónov eur. Trestná novela nie je v rozpore s plánom obnovy

18.10.2024 17:25

Slovensko splnilo všetkých pätnásť míľnikov v rámci štvrtej žiadosti o platbu.

Väzenie / Väznica / Cela /

Zomrel americký psychológ Zimbardo, preslávil ho kontroverzný väzenský experiment

18.10.2024 15:52

Preslávil ho najmä stanfordský experiment, ktorý vykonal v roku 1971 a ktorý mnohí kritizovali ako neetický.

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