

hatchet was buried
i swing on the tree
and cling to an image of thee
we will be eating butter ghee
on our killing spree
like cree indian
nobody hears your plea
you are small like a flea
sea of loss

Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible


“Satan has certainly been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years. The false doctrine of Hell and the Devil has allowed the Protestant and Catholic Churches to flourish far too long. Without a devil to point their fingers at, religionists of the right hand path would have nothing with which to threaten their followers. „Satan leads you to [...]

. . Those are my people, beyond every color or language or place they come from!


Those who understand that these parties are not just a simple dance night, but a total gateway to knowledge in the mystic and the occult, those who understand how little we know and how many lives it takes to dig everything, those who understand that human is the only species dissatisfied of its own existence but we try to achieve this satisfaction, those who understand that thinking is the [...]

alway struggled


i have alway struggled ,with sole intention of ceasing to struggle. Result; zero. Lucky those who are unaware that to mature is to witness the aggravation excavation of our incoherencies, and that this is the only progress we should be allowed to boast of.

Belgicko, Zelenskyj, Fico, summit

Väčšina lídrov EÚ podľa Zelenského podporuje plán víťazstva. Orbán: Plán je viac než desivý

17.10.2024 14:02, aktualizované: 14:25

Prvým bodom plánu je pozvanie Ukrajiny do NATO.

Russia Ukraine War

List z Charkova. Zmoknutá nálada, keď nebo smúti za blízkymi, ktorí tu už nie sú

17.10.2024 14:00

Sveťka, kamarátka z detstva. Vždy bola taká usmiata a láskavá, s jamkami na lícach. Išla po chlieb - črepina ju pred obchodom zasiahla priamo do srdca.

Izrael / Pásmo Gazy /

Izraelské údery v Gaze zabili najmenej 30 ľudí. Cieľom bola aj škola, kde sídlia utečenci

17.10.2024 13:53

Izraelské údery zabíjali v meste Džabálija a Gaze.

Operačné stredisko záchrannej zdravotnej služby SR,

Dramatický pôrod cez linku 155: Operátor priviedol na svet dievčatko, ktoré nedýchalo

17.10.2024 13:50

Keď zazvoní telefón na linke 155, operátori nikdy nevedia, čo ich čaká. Každý hovor môže byť otázkou života a smrti.

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