None of us have seen God,

It is difficult for humans to envision an omnipotent God that had no beginning and who made all things, it’s true. Nothing we have ever known or experienced works like that.

But if The God is hard to imagine, equally as hard and unfathomable is trying to comprehend The…Nothing. Think about Nothing for a moment; no, not a Void, or a Hole, or a Space or an Emptiness.

Nothing. Nothing at all, no shape or colour or molecule or…anything.


And from that absolute Nothing came everything and all things; all physicalities, all knowledge, all concepts of Justice, Good and Righteousness. They were never taught to Humans, we taught ourselves and decided just because…because some guys told other guys forming attachments and bonds to other fleshy masses we share genetics with is ‚Good‘.

And we are who fashioned ‚Love‘ because…well Because! Besides, we die if we don’t do the ‚Love‘ mechanic, we need this ‚Love‘ (that we designed, because we, well we needed it and we felt it and it was good).

Imagine meeting someone today, and asking about his family whilst making small talk, he answers he came from no parents at all. He was never concieved.

You see, everything we know coming from a God (everything we KNOW, mind you. Let us set aside our Cloud Parent for now as none have seen Him, only heard of Him) is essentially a heavenly parent building a home and making children, teaching them laws and obedience (and discipline).


The other theory is, again, all we know coming from Nothing in Existence…to everything Existing, but not for any particular reasons. And so again, if for no reason why SHOULD we love and try to be good? Why? Why must I listen to men I know not and never seen if all this Everything come from The Nothing and there is no reason for it? And further, what makes ‚Right‘ Good and ‚Wrong‘ not Good? Says who? When? Why? How do we know? Why must we adhere? Better yet, why can’t WE chose Good and Bad if some other Man somewhere long ago did?

Good questions indeed. But then how did all of us and all we know come from Nothing and somehow decide everything?

I will absolutely say Theism takes a great deal of Faith and Study. None of us have seen God, it’s true.

But neither have any of us ever seen Nothing either, yet that model makes more sense?



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