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Projective identification

Projective identification is a psychological concept that originated from psychoanalytic theory, primarily associated with the work of Melanie Klein. It’s a complex, unconscious defense mechanism that involves projecting unwanted feelings or parts of the self onto another person and then interacting with that person as though they are exhibiting those projected feelings or traits. Here’s a breakdown of the concept:
1. Projection: An individual unconsciously projects their own unwanted or uncomfortable feelings (e.g., anger, insecurity) onto another person.
2. Inducing Reaction: The recipient of the projection, often unconsciously, may start to identify with or take on the projected feelings or traits. This can lead them to behave in ways that confirm the projector’s unconscious expectations.
3. Re-internalization: The projector then unconsciously re-identifies with those traits or feelings, now externalized in the other person, reinforcing their original perception.
Imagine someone feels deep anger but is uncomfortable expressing it. Through projective identification, they may unconsciously provoke another person into becoming angry. Once that person displays anger, the projector feels justified in believing that the other person is the one with the anger problem.
Projective identification often plays out in close relationships and can be difficult to recognize because both parties may be unaware of the unconscious dynamics at play. In therapy, the process of recognizing and working through projective identification is crucial for understanding interpersonal conflicts and emotional struggles.

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