weak eyes

A fire guides her to the mount For a ritual of immorality exists From the forests she will come To follow the spell of the one A somber laying shadow through the mist Seen with pure fear by the folks But tonight is the night of the nights The night of the witches ride

Abandoned, the died away hearth No forfending walls, no roof – shards Frost creeps through gaping grooves Where will you go when it begins to snow Charred earth by fires of eviction Lies behind you – ahead the escape Abandoned from all confidence. Alone you walk. Surrounded by sore grief you lose yourself in swoon Wandering in foreign parts Reminding of the loss of a place called home Where will you go when it begins to snow

Coldness tears me apart As walk through the shadows Blear light appears from above And glares my weak eyes My hands grope on rough walls Which were not made by men I feel the pure power of The oldest existence Moved by these impressions I sink down And every single sound sheds in a million echos Which creates its own hymn of depth Swallowed and hidden By mother earth She guides me to her spirit I follow in trance I immerse in her secret realm Behind the edge of the time Blind but seen with thousand eyes I watch my self dying To rebirth in her womb And appear as a new one I climb up from the depth But still my eyes are blind And I fall again and again Coldness tears me apart As  I walk through the shadows Blear light appears from above And glares my weak eyes

~ Sri Ramana Maharshi Talk 199


The ladies later asked several questions relating to their present inability to realise the already realised, eternal Self. The sign of Realisation would be Bliss, which was absent. Maharshi said: There is only one consciousness. But we speak of several kinds of consciousness, as body-consciousness, Self-consciousness. They are only relative states of the same Absolute consciousness. Without [...]



I see them creeping in the dark Memories I can not seem to shake These demons of my youth, they leave their mark Reminding me of every damn mistake These demons they haunt me still Reminders of every lesson learned Try to outrun them, but they move in for the kill These demons are the scars that I’ve earned The heartache and the tears I’ve cried The fights I’ve had with those I love The [...]



kdyby z vejce nevyrostl pupek s/věta kdyby bída nekonkurovala nouzi kdyby tečka než čárka napočítá do pěti nestavěla souvětí budeme si v objetí budeme zasnění jako bozi když bdí a sen se vzbouzí uprostřed metamorfózy JAKO „Důvody nemám. Spadlo to na mne jako fixní idea, jako vrtoch, jako pud.” (Strinberg – Klášter) jako nezájem řezající řeč na mlčení [...]


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