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Integrated information theory

Then, what is the point of consciousness? There are some, such as neuroscientist Daniel De Haan and philosophers Giulio Tononi and Peter Godfrey-Smith, who argue that consciousness can best be explained by “integrated information theory.”

In this theory, consciousness is something that emerges from the sum of our cognitive processes — or, more specifically, the “capacity of a system to integrate information,” as Tononi writes. In other words, consciousness is a net product of all the other things our mind is doing, such as synchronizing sensory inputs, focusing on specific objects, accessing various types of memory, and so on. The mind is an overseer at the center of a huge web and is the result or byproduct of all the incredibly complex things it needs to do.

– Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche


Our own „insubstantiality“: „The whole development of (suffering) is an attempt on our part to shield ourselves from the truth of our insubstantiality . . . The source of the effort to confirm our solidity is an uncertainty as to whether or not we exist. Driven by this uncertainty, we seek to prove our own existence by finding a reference point outside ourselves, something with which to [...]

Prirodzenosť, identita, postavenie a stav človeka  Autor: Peter Vajda a Drahoslav Vajda


Prirodzenosť, identita, postavenie a stav človeka Autor: Peter Vajda a Drahoslav Vajda Vysvetlenie pojmov Mnohé pasáže a témy Písma je ťažké vyložiť bez toho, aby boli použité výrazové prostriedky, kategórie či pojmy, ktoré sa v ňom nenachádzajú. Keď takéto pojmy pri výklade textov potrebujeme a používame, musíme ich vopred zaviesť, definovať, vysvetliť, aby bolo [...]



A Filológia (Filo) is the physical manifistation of a creature’s ambitions, desires, and willpower. Beyond rare, it’s estimated by researchers that only one in 0.00047% of sentient lifeforms within the Astral Sea possess one. It’s unknown how those who attain Filo do so; only that those who do are often capable of changing the fates of millions throughout the Astral Sea. [...]


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