
A Filológia (Filo) is the physical manifistation of a creature’s ambitions, desires, and willpower.  Beyond rare, it’s estimated by researchers that only one in 0.00047% of sentient lifeforms within the Astral Sea possess one.  It’s unknown how those who attain Filo do so; only that those who do are often capable of changing the fates of millions throughout the Astral Sea.  Regarded as great heroes and wicked villains, it appears that morality holds no sway over who is worthy or not worthy of possessing one of these coveted items.  When removed from its wielder’s person, the Filo becomes inert, unable to function.  Additionally, Filo become inert when its wielder dies, losing all capabilities.  A being that has been resurrected may continue to use their Filo, however, as if they had not died.  Filo possess the innate ability to control one of the four elements of creation; Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind.  Through this, abilities performed by Filo Wielders are called Miracles.  It’s estimated that a talented Filo Wielder can master four techniques of their own making with their Filo in a single lifetime, though particularly skilled Wielders may master others, in addition to other, simple techniques they might not have mastered. According to studies on Filodoxia, the element provided to each wielder tends to match up with a core personality trait shared by those of a similar element: Fire Filo Wielders generally place great importance on ambition, hard work ethic, or passion for something.  Earth Filo Wielders typically find themselves collected, calm, and surity of their actions.  Water Filo Wielders generally are considered more relaxed than the other elements, finding it easier to take advantage of situations as they present themselves rather than making their own.  Lastly, Wind Filo Wielders are often hyperactive, sporatic, and go-getters not unlike Fire Filo Wielders; the difference being that Fire Wielders generally have a sharper focus, while Wind Wielders are easier to distract.  There are legends of a fifth type of Filo, Lightning, whose shared traits are unknown.

Zarezlý výhybky


Vymlácený sklíčka z vitráží, a mříže rezavý. Starý oprýskaný nádraží, kde vlak už nestaví. Vajgly v květináčích a tuny prachu na římsách. Zarezlý výhybky, tvý starý sny, spí utopený v kopřivách. Kolikrát sis duši spálil, když´s ty sny chtěl vyrvat ven? Kolikrát se jiní smáli tvýmu boji s osudem. Kolikrát se jiní smáli a [...]

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