Archív: august, 2024

free will and determination

like some say everything happens for a reason thus everything is determined?and others say nothing happens for a reason those believe in free will; like everything is determined=determinists=no free will and others say nothing is determind=free will people; or some say all is coincidence=free will, and some say nothing is coincidence=determinists? they say that free will is a sort of […]

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If you’ve made enemies, take it as a sign of strength. It means you’ve had the courage to stand up for something you believe in at some point in your life. Having people oppose you isn’t necessarily a bad thing—it often indicates that you’ve drawn a line, taken a stand, or voiced an opinion that mattered to you. The reality is, not everyone will agree with your values, […]

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Vedomie v mozgu závisí od synchronizovaných aktivít miliónov neurónov, ale mechanizmus zodpovedný za organizáciu takejto synchronizácie zostáva nepolapiteľný. V tejto štúdii využívame dutinovú kvantovú elektrodynamiku na skúmanie generovania zapletených bifotónov prostredníctvom kaskádovej emisie vo vibračnom spektre CH väzieb v chvostoch lipidových molekúl. Výsledky […]

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YOU are the technology

YOU are the technology you need to operate. You can change the ph of your blood and your hormones levels by thought alone. Your synapses phase in and out of this reality 8 times a second and your sensory array has a time lapse. You cannot experience „reality“ through the senses. It is not there. The present moment is the only reality there is ,and you access that by turning off your […]

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„Work hard, stay disciplined and be patient. Your time will come“ emphasizes the importance of persistence, self-control, and patience in achieving success. Here’s the breakdown: Work Hard: Effort and Dedication: Success requires consistent hard work and dedication. This part of the quote emphasizes the need to put in the effort necessary to achieve your goals. Example: An […]

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The soul’s journey

The soul, a timeless traveler, exists beyond the constraints of time, space, and the physical body. It has journeyed through countless lifetimes, each incarnation a new chapter in its eternal quest for growth and evolution. In each life, it seeks to understand, to experience, and to refine itself, always striving to align more closely with the divine essence from which it originated. But in the […]

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Jean Baudrillard’s understanding of suicide.

I don’t remember anything in Bataille’s writing that addresses suicide. However, Bataille’s reworking of potlatch, utility, and sacrifice were important to Jean Baudrillard’s understanding of suicide. In essence, Baudrillard sees capitalist society “gifting” us our semiotics and general equivalent in the form of currency. This gift cannot be returned and “one-upped” so to speak in […]

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čas rýchlo ulpívá nie to ty ulpívaš na veciach ako smrad všetko sa ti sníva v tomto svete to tak býva a ozýva sa z hory ako sa do nej volá….. Slovo ulpívání může mít více významů: Ulpívání (buddhismus) – v buddhistické terminologii zesílená, chronická forma ctižádostivosti. Ulpívání v psychologii (perseverace) – ulpívavé myšlení (perseverační) je […]

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spiritual battle

In today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world, it takes a special kind of awareness to truly understand the deeper currents at play. Beyond the daily hustle and bustle, beyond the noise and distractions, there exists a realm that is unseen but profoundly influential—a spiritual realm that shapes our very essence and the journey of our souls. It’s a battle for our soul. Every day, we […]

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Consent for an action may be overridden if the actor genuinely believes inaction results in deterioration of the individual, and the individual is not capable of realizing that and making a decision. Kids lack such decision making abilities because of their age. Thus sending them to school or the dentist is acceptable because not doing so will make things worse for them, in the short […]

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1110. deň: Rusi v Kursku uťahujú okolo Ukrajincov slučku, okupanti vďaka dronom ovládli zásobovacie trasy

1110. deň: Rusi v Kursku uťahujú okolo Ukrajincov slučku, okupanti vďaka dronom ovládli zásobovacie trasy

09.03.2025 08:25

Na Rusko zaútočili desiatky ukrajinských dronov. USA vetovali plán na vytvorenie pracovnej skupiny štátov G7 pre ruskú 'tieňovú flotilu', uviedol Bloomberg.

Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

09.03.2025 05:30

Strácajú ukrajinskí vojaci Sudžu, ktorú obsadili v auguste 2024, alebo sa Rusom nepodarí v blízkom čase dobyť späť toto mesto v Kurskej oblasti?

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

09.03.2025 06:00

Nórska spoločnosť Haltbakk Bunkers sa rozhodla zastaviť dodávky pohonných hmôt pre americkú armádu na protest proti tomu, ako sa USA správajú k Ukrajine.

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

09.03.2025 10:01

Bývalá poslankyňa a tenistka navštívila Slovenské národné divadlo.

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