The ego

You must deeply understand that man’s ego will go to great lengths to resist the gradual awakening of man’s spirit/soul. This resistance stems from the existential fear that accumulates in man’s subconscious mind, a fear rooted in the ego’s dread of annihilation.
The ego, driven by this fear, creates numerous distractions and illusions to keep man’s true Higher Self from awakening. Consequently, before a man can rouse himself from this ‚existential sleep’—which he mistakenly perceives as ‘his life’—he remains unaware that his existential life is merely a dream conjured by the illusory egoic mind.
The egoic mind, known in Sanskrit as ālaya-vijñāna, and man’s Pure Consciousness, referred to as Vijñapti-mātra, represent two fundamentally different dimensions of being.
While the egoic mind is bound by illusions and existential fears, man’s Higher Self or his Pure Consciousness is free, expansive, and intrinsically aware.
However, as long as the ego remains rigid and dominant, it becomes virtually impossible for an unconscious individual to distinguish between these two dimensions. The ego creates a false sense of self that masks the true nature of man’s Pure Consciousness.
Nevertheless, as an individual begins to take control of his Higher Self and gains insight into the workings of the illusory ego, he starts to see through its deceptions. At this stage, the person creates the necessary ethereal space for his Pure Consciousness to emerge and recognise itself, distinct from the illusions of the egoic mind.
At this culminating point of spiritual development, the individual realises that his Pure Consciousness and the Cosmic Consciousness, known in Sanskrit as Tathāgatagarbha, are fundamentally one and the same (“My Father and I are One…”).
This spiritual realisation is not merely intellectual but experiential, bringing about a profound sense of unity with the Absolute One. Hence, once an individual attains this enlightened state, he accurately understands that he is an Eternal Being.



transmisia panstvo sa smeje niekde v tvári humanity omilostenej ideje ktorú mu venuje nie je to sen deklaruje z pekla v, ktorom šaleje roztrhnutý vo dvoje .. Keď je človek odkázaný na Boha asi nemá veľmi na výber. … zavreli sa za mnou dvere ta, kde nikto za mnou nemôže moje ja sa s tým už nepere išlo v zlých stopách a v zlom smere aj tak mu to nikto nežere po [...]

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