existential suffering

The key reason why Man experiences existential suffering is due to his own ignorance or avidyā, which in Buddhist phenomenology means the ignorance of how the individual perceives or looks at the nature of reality. We see that this ignorance is not a lack of intelligence or academic learning, but the misinterpretation that we ordinarily give to mundane reality (māyīyamala). So we can correctly say that avidyā is the fundamental ignorance of how man misinterprets the observable phenomenon of existence due to his own psychological illusions…
…The kleshas are, therefore, mental fabrications that obscure Man’s Pure Consciousness and as a direct result, such a person ends up thinking and behaving in an incorrect way which in turn causes much suffering.
To better understand this complex notion, it would be a good idea to make a comparison, let’s say by comparing the ultra-subtle mind or Man’s Pure Consciousness to the blank screen of a cinema theatre while all that is then projected onto the screen becomes the mental fabrications that the viewer experiences by means of his dense existential mind (caitasika). In this analogy, as we watch the film, we end up completely forgetting that the cinematic screen itself is actually blank and this is because we are too caught up by the motion pictures or the images that are being shown on it which represent the kleshas or mental trickeries that we generate in our minds.
This demonstrates that the work of what is known in Sanskrit as Prajñā, which is Wisdom or the proper understanding of the nature of reality, is to dismantle these existential and mental fabrications so that finally we can acquire Yatha-bhuta nadassanam or the pure wisdom of reality. This is the most profound realm of the Absolute Spirit where the practitioner has attained the pristine state of No-Mind, which is actually the ethereal experience of his Pure Consciousness in its most lucid form (the blank screen).
Once a practitioner enters such a mystical dimension, he starts to realise that in reality there is no birth and death, but that which has always been and will always continue to eternally be…



horor posledného ťaženia vojenského, ktoré dáva sens ľudskému bytiu atakovanému v stoje…v sede..aj leže do krvi ktorá bojovať s nepriateľom svede, keď to ten rozjede na plné koule, aby ti ukradol soul, ktorú v blázinci vymenia za posraté spodky, aby nebolo konca marodky maroda, ktorému zachutila ľudská sloboda bez strachu inútila démona Lila, ktorého krv se [...]

 energia ´všetka´


ma ´upratal´ do zabudnutia, lebo ´trpím´na psychiatrický ´blud´, keď nechcem fajčiť holý bosý jeho žaluď, a on rozkáže si ´buď ako buď´, a k môjmu týraniu privolí, lebo mu tak velí ´inštinkt´prežitia, ktorý ´sa o nič nedelí , a ja z toho budem ´blázonko celý hetka´, keď pán bude ma udávať ako ´fretka´, aby sa mi neušla ani ´špetka´ ľudského [...]

Greg Johnson


Autor: Někdy v roce 2003 jsem se cítil velice unavený a uvažoval, že nechám práce na jednom projektu spojeném s hnutím a trochu se vyspím. Bylo půl třetí ráno a moc jsem toho poslední dobou nenaspal. Pak mě ale napadlo: „Na co se vlastně šetříš?“ Potřeboval jsem spánek, abych si zachoval svou krásu? Všechno, co ušetříme, stejně musíme vydat, jelikož smrt [...]

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