~ Emil Cioran, from On the Heights of Despair

In life, there is a tendency to stay within the boundaries of comfort and familiarity. We often hesitate to push beyond the known, fearing the uncertainty that lies beyond. However, it is in those moments when we dare to go too far, to stretch beyond our limits, that we discover the profound truths about ourselves and the world.
Going too far means challenging the status quo, questioning accepted norms, and venturing into uncharted territory. It is the willingness to take risks, to embrace the unknown, and to confront the fears that hold us back. This journey requires courage and resilience, but it is through this exploration that we uncover deeper insights and truths that remain hidden within the confines of the ordinary.
Consider the innovators and visionaries throughout history who dared to go too far. They were often met with resistance and skepticism, yet their relentless pursuit of the unknown led to groundbreaking discoveries and transformative changes. By pushing the boundaries of what was considered possible, they revealed new truths and expanded our understanding of the world.
In our personal lives, going too far means stepping outside our comfort zones and challenging our own limitations. It is in these moments of stretching ourselves that we experience the most significant growth. We learn what we are truly capable of, discover new passions, and uncover aspects of ourselves that we never knew existed. This journey of self-discovery is essential for realizing our full potential.
Pushing beyond the familiar often involves failure and setbacks. These experiences can be daunting, but they are also invaluable teachers. Each failure carries a lesson, each setback an opportunity for growth. By embracing these challenges and continuing to push forward, we build resilience and gain a deeper understanding of our strengths and weaknesses. It is through this process that we refine our path and move closer to our authentic selves.
Going too far also means seeking the truth in our relationships and interactions with others. It involves honest and open communication, even when it is uncomfortable. By daring to address difficult topics and confront misunderstandings, we foster deeper connections and build trust. This transparency allows for the emergence of genuine understanding and mutual respect, which are the foundations of meaningful relationships.
In our pursuit of knowledge and truth, going too far means questioning the information presented to us and seeking a deeper understanding. It is about being curious and open-minded, willing to explore different perspectives and challenge our own beliefs. This intellectual curiosity drives innovation and progress, leading to a more profound comprehension of the complexities of life.
In the realm of creativity, going too far means pushing the boundaries of imagination and expression. Artists, writers, and creators who dare to explore the fringes of their craft often produce the most compelling and original work. By breaking away from conventional norms and exploring new territories, they uncover unique truths and inspire others to see the world in new ways.
The journey of going too far is not a reckless endeavor; it requires thoughtful consideration and a balance of intuition and rationality. It involves listening to our inner voice and trusting our instincts, while also being mindful of the potential consequences. This balance ensures that our pursuit of truth is both courageous and grounded.
Sadness is a way into a mystery, a mystery so rich that sadness never ceases to remain enigmatic. If there were a scale for mysteries, sadness would belong to a group of infinite mysteries, mysteries without limit, inexhaustible.

došlo na lámanie chleba


´pán urobil ´vyznanie´ z ´lásky´ nepoznal zľutovanie s chudákom na nepoznanie iným dohnal ho na jatky trepal na jeho adresu taľafatky kričal ľa ľa psychopat v bielom plášti ho zakáľa pán si šunky váľa na samovraha nemá bunky rozhodnú posunky kaňky ,kuňky, ktoré kuňkali kali juga trestala aby destabilizovala chudáka, ktorého bili , ujarmili zmocnili sa ho aby [...]

reflexia na samovraždu. .. .. .


ja zmysel svojho života nevidím v ´ničom´ samotné nepredstaviteľno sa stalo krutou realitou môjho života; nepriateľ túžil po mojej smrti viac než po svojom živote ?????????? všetko mechanické dianie sa deje z jedného dôvodu, ktorý sa dohľadá???????? prečo na mňa život padá? prečo nič do mojej kompetencie nespadá???? cez moju mŕtvolu [...]

paskuda má masku


paskuda má masku tvoja hlava je v oprátke ich ruky už na teba nie sú krátke x vývoj asi nie je lineárny som za to ja na vine??????? https://vestalcuntvomit.bandcamp.com/album/slaughter-for-satan nelineárny vývoj sa uberá svojou cestou nezávisle od zvolenia väčšiny ku, ktorej nepatríš, ktorá tvoju nezmernú púť nemerá od pokolenia k pokoleniu dole v jednom kole [...]

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