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Why humans have evolved to be sociopaths masquerading. An evolutionary approach on how deception is used in the context of making one falsely broadcast signals in which facilitate the exoiitation of other’s ignorance by the process of modeling that information based on assumptions.
That’s quite a title to enstablish the context, which I’m going to talk about some other time in order to also refer to misanthropy as a rational response,considering that manipulation is the only thing that exists among human interaction, as with other organisms as well, to a lesser capacity, because brains, according to studies were evolved to be Protean, meaning always remain in flux, hence deception is just a strategy and the rest are a means to an end, so that’s why psychology is incapable and insufficient to diagnose anyone, since it’s based on ssumption of models of behaviors, where what I’m arguing for is not based on any DSM, rather encompasses all human behavior as to manipuate and control others whilst motives remain obscured, thus this is nothing of the overt forms which psychology and it’s lauhable attempts to categorize people fails entirely, because human nature and behavior always remain in flux and deception is fundamental.
Robert Trivers, an evolutionary biologist who studies the evolution of deception has found that deception is what I refer as cosiopathy is the process of deceiving oneself, hence delusion about ones own nature, in order to better deceive others, so this mechanism exists only to make deception more effective whilst it remains unconsious, which I doubt, because strategies are not unconsious processes, such as using others for your own end and then going to the next, because we also have to include another factor which enables this, and that is that we aer no longer living in small tribes, so with larger groups and polulations, socipathy becomes more pronounced, since you have a larger network to exploit.
Also, one can further argue that one’s maintainance of reputation has all this as its basis, since people rely on deception, on role laying, yet theyatend theaters and ciinemas in order to see people pretending, which is ironical if you consider what’t I’m arguing, so we can then go back to the model of how one managed to ensiblish being perceived by others, so I refer to humans as sociopaths in denial, since its better to expolit people long term rather than sort term, since you gain more by doing so, so for what I argue, being integrated as a covert sociopath is essential, and the rest is just human nature, which is scheming and ploting in order to instumentalise others.
I could go on, but I haven’t managed to find an old essay of mine, nor I have further developed my arguments, which all are interelated and follow as a consequence. so I’ll post a video of some cunt talking about black pill, so you can see for yourselves.
She sums it up nicely, yet she is another sociopath as the rest. In one of her interviews, she accdentally exposed herself whilst saying that she is aware of how she manipulates other people (lol), yet she didn’t phrased it exactly like that, but I manage to detect it.
Anyway, if you are a misanthrope, you are rightfully so. Human being are scums roaming the earth., Their claims of the opposite aim only to do what I’ve descibed so they can convince you via deception and manipulation. They are all the same and their nature is universal.
To me, only omnicide is the only acceptable action regarding life on earth, not only humanity, since deception is everywhere in nature. Orchids produce feromones to atract specifit species of inscects to polynate them, chameleons change their color, octopuses do the same etc. Humans evolved to be predatory by having a far greater capacity compared to the limitation of other animals, since they rely on their brains to accomplish that and continue to do so and devepod their strategies, or reject them and form new ones, and the entirety of their behavior is based on that.
If that’s too „cynical“ for you and you want to maintain your delusional assumptions about „good“ people, I would refer to the model in which you’ve constructed based on their clailms and reconsider everything you know and you’ve been told.
And by the way, the modeling process due to information reaching you is also a succession of lies, since all the rationalizations and excuses aim to maintain their differential advantage at your expense.
Whoever claims that there are good person is delusional and ignorant at best.



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