Is it a triumph before the face of Death?

I was a shade on a sunny day Like a stain, like a fly in milk. I was a snake among flowers. Bitterness and treachery Behind the words you said About love and mercy. You were among us, the Son of God, The Light in Dark, But my soul was deaf. My soul was full of doubt and hate. When water of life turns to poison of lies, And illusion of light fades away in darkness, The ghost of hope shines so bright above us, So cold and far away from here. I watched your suffering I felt your pain. I felt the nails in your flesh, The crack of bones, Eternal agony, When Death didn’t want to come. I had no tear, No love, no hope, no relief. Please die! Oh when will you die? Now you are on the cross. They still rip you apart On the altars of mercy, On the altars of forgiveness. Your wounds are still bleeding in silence Behind the burning candles, And l stand in shade. While i stand in shadow, Your wounds will bleed forever, Until l am dead, Until l die. Please die! Oh when will you die? When water of life turns to poison of lies, And illusion of light fades away in darkness, The ghost of hope shines so bright above us, So cold and far away from here. Now in holy rapture They drink your blood, They eat your flesh And worship you. Tell me, kind Lord, Is it a triumph? Is it a triumph before the face of Death?

žobrák. .. .. .


mňa ovláda iba bolesť a nič iné;´slobodná vôľa´mnou ani nehne som ako v sne o agónii ktorú žijem je bezbrehá mráz mi z toho po chrbte behá keď si kurva so Satanom líha tá tíha spomienky doliehajú okolie ma odsudzuje bez servítky tie malé ľudské šverboritky môj nerv krváca nepriateľ ma k zemi sáca ostrie jeho pohľadu mi penetruje rozum život mi [...]

nikdy viac


trochu som sa ukľudnil keď sa svet konečne vyľudnil……… všetky zblúdilé duše, ktoré nezahrnuli láskou by sa hnuli cestou vyhynutia bez oka mihnutia skončil by krysý dostih na kope kostí a lebiek tých nešťastníkov uvrešťaných vietor zhodil by zo stromov lístie už by viac nikoho nezviedlo scestie…….

elf aka Petino.


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