Money As a Parasitic Lifeform


By George Tsakraklides on August 6, 2024

The idea that a small group of individuals can form a „government“ that represents the best interests of its people has been one of the biggest leaps of faith humanity ever took. Arguably, we didn’t have a choice. Although the idea of transferring power and authority from the masses to a group of leaders may seem abstract, it has served many practical functions: it pooled resources, brought a false sense of unity to the population, and a sense of belonging – to a place, a nation, or an idea.

It also expedited the exhaustion of resources, widened inequality, and alienated almost every citizen who has at one point or other in their lifetime felt the cold, heartless hand of indifference from the very people who were meant to represent them. Governments didn’t evolve into distant, bureaucratic entities. They were set up as such, from the very beginning. For every government in the world today who actually represents its people, you will find another hundred who don’t. The most straightforward argument to make is in fact that government represents neither people, nor an elite class of humans. It actually represents, defends, and protects the entity behind every single one of humanity’s decisions: money.

Despite being an abstract, mechanistic, non DNA-based entity, money behaves like a life form: it too needs to secure its future existence, and it does so by pursuing profit. By creating money, humanity gave rise to a new life-form which eventually parasitised it: even though it is non-carbon based, it uses humans to propagate itself in ever so many ingenious ways, while providing its host with plenty of rewards for their participation in this intimate symbiosis. Government is simply a puppet which allows money to pretend that there are humans on the wheel. But since each decision these „leaders“ make is based on profit, it really is money who is in charge of the whole show of civilisation. The Thing, or necrocapitalism as previously described, is a semi-sentient incarnation of profit. The reason why humanity is unable to put the brakes on its destruction of this planet is that it has long ago set society on a self-destruct sequence, by outsourcing civilisation to the money entity. If all of this is sounding too dystopian to ingest, it is because you have been born into a world where you cannot imagine a society without money. Yet if humans were truly free, such a society would not only be imaginable. It perhaps would be possible.

People and power are trapped in the most dysfunctional child and parent relationship, where the child keeps hoping that the parent lives up to their expectations, when in fact the parent cannot even meet their obligations. They are an addict. To money. As long as there are people who need to exploit, and people who are so desperate that they will allow others to exploit them, money will be there to facilitate their transaction.

v ´richtiku´ dál o dům. .. .. .


táto ´spoločnosť´ či špindíra, ktorá je dneska ´in´a zajtra na jej čele stane ďalší rintintin z cukru, aby organizoval ´predohru k suicídiu´ tvojmu, lebo si bol pozornosti stredobod, mi pripadá ako od ´prírody marod´, ktorý do ľudí infikuje konzumné zvody, aby robili nerozumné voľby a sami si do rán sypali soľ v ´richtiku´ dál o dům……



horor posledného ťaženia vojenského, ktoré dáva sens ľudskému bytiu atakovanému v stoje…v sede..aj leže do krvi ktorá bojovať s nepriateľom svede, keď to ten rozjede na plné koule, aby ti ukradol soul, ktorú v blázinci vymenia za posraté spodky, aby nebolo konca marodky maroda, ktorému zachutila ľudská sloboda bez strachu inútila démona Lila, ktorého krv se [...]

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ma ´upratal´ do zabudnutia, lebo ´trpím´na psychiatrický ´blud´, keď nechcem fajčiť holý bosý jeho žaluď, a on rozkáže si ´buď ako buď´, a k môjmu týraniu privolí, lebo mu tak velí ´inštinkt´prežitia, ktorý ´sa o nič nedelí , a ja z toho budem ´blázonko celý hetka´, keď pán bude ma udávať ako ´fretka´, aby sa mi neušla ani ´špetka´ ľudského [...]

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