PAUL (SAUL of Tarsus)

Paul introduced Pagan Mangod Worship to Israel and gave Sons to God by missinterpritting the scriptures, making God our Father, although Bible is against it in Acts 17:27-28, and not only did he Die a terrible death, but is currently in Hell according Bible. Biblical Proof that Saul of Tarses (Paul) is in Hell:- Jesus states in Mathew 23:15 that all the Pharisees (including Paul) are Hellbound upon death.In Matthew 16:6 Jesus warned about Paul, „BE WARE OF PHARSEE“ Paul boasted „I am a Pharisee, the Son of a Pharisee“ In Acts 23:6. This means all Christians are Hellbound upon death as well.
Click to see “The apostle Paul was a liar. Here’s Proof” God Willing:-
Click to see proof that Paul is an apostle of Satan God Willing:-
Paul falsely claims „More than 500 people saw Jesus after the Resurrection,“ but conveniently does not mention that Jesus himself proved that he was not a Spirit by showing them his flesh and asking for food. There exists no testimonies of 500 people, just Paul who hijacked Mathias’s 12th Apostle position using his “Road To Damascus” conflicting story and referred to himself as a Liar (Romans 3:7) and Trickster (2Corintheans12:16) in the Bible, who was not present at the time and never met Jesus, falsely claiming there were 500 witnesses. Sorry, that is called „HEARSAY“ and not „EVIDENCE!“ God gave Paul a TRAGIC Death for introducing Pagan Mangod Worship in Christianity, and the same was given to Jezebel as well for introducing Satan Yahweh/Jehova/Baal Worship in Christianity.
Jesus said in Mathew 19:17 „If you want eternal life, keep the Commandments“. Paul abolished the Commandments yet later in Hebrews 10:28 Paul said that the person not keeping the Commandments MUST BE KILLED while Ezekiel 44:9 Prohibits a lawless Christian/Zionist from entering Heaven and Jesus states he will chase Lawless Christians/Zionists away.
Click to see “Saul of Tarsus – False Apostle Paul Archive” God Willing (Please ignore the fact that this article claims Yahweh to be God because now you are aware that Bible claims both Yahweh and Jehova are the AntiChrist Baal) :-
Click to see “Paul, a false Prophet (Dire Biblical Warning from Jesus)” God Willing:-
Click to see „Paul contradicts Jesus“ God Willing:-
Click to see „The Apostle Paul was the AntiChrist according to the first Christians“ God Willing:-
Paul (Saul of Tarsus) referred to himself as a Liar (Romans 3:7) and Trickster (2Corintheans12:16) in the Bible. Why will Paul abolish the 10 Commandments of Moses falsely claiming that Christians are under GRACE, yet in Hebrews 10:28 the same Paul says that the person not keeping the 10 Commandments of Moses must be killed while Jesus says in Mathew 7:21-23 that he will chase LAWLESS CHRISTIANS away while Ezekiel 44:9 prohibits a LAWLESS Christian/Zionist from entering heaven all the while Paul himself is in Hell❓️
Biblical Proof that Saul of Tarses (Paul) is in Hell:- Jesus states in Mathew 23:15 that all the Pharisees (including Paul) are Hellbound upon death. In Mathew 16:6-12 Jesus warned about Paul that „BEWARE OF PHARSEE“ Paul boasted „I am a Pharisee, the Son of a Pharisee“ In Acts 23:6. This means that all Christians are Hellbound upon death as well. Click to see „Undeniable Biblical Proof that Paul is a false Prophet“ God Willing:-
If a Christian refuses to listen to the law, even his/her prayers will be hateful to God According to Proverbs 28: 9.
Jesus warned about Paul in John 8:44 as Devil, Murderer, Lier and Father of Lies in John 8:44‼️
Christians and Zionists worshipping Pagan Mangod/Satan Yahweh/Satan Jehova/Satan Baal are Lawless who Jesus will chase away according to Bible. Why do you waste your time praying❓️ God finds your prayer DETESTABLE‼️



se mu zlíbilo kedy-tedy tejrat človeka vytříbeného poldruha roka sa vyhejbal potom bejby spustil řízenou demolici ľudskej bytosti a zrovnal ma so zemou ……… kedy-tedy ma týra podle libosti nikdy nemal som dosť ´ľudskej blbosti´ hlboko ponižovaný zosmiešňovaný vypliešťal som oči plné sĺz šťal kocky pán do živého ťal na verejnosti prepieral, že som mu [...]

dlhoval som ti ja dačo v živote?


Som zostal konsternovaný, keď mi vysvetľoval, aby som sto rokov za opicami nezaostal, a zaobaľoval ten šok do hlúpych naráźok, som mal pocit akoby mi ubalil, ale tvrdil, že len čistého vína nalil……, že sa mi plán provalil….., aby ma povalil? Aby ma spomalil? Pamäť mi zakalil? veľa vecí nasvedčovalo tomu, že ten človek ma rád nemá, ale vysvetľoval som [...]

život aký je. .. .. .


Neverím, že sa zmysel života nachádza len v jeho prekonávaní, aj keď ´prekonávanie sa života´ je vlastne iba spôsob ako prijať neprijateľné, ako čeliť nemožnosti samej….. x Ja neverím, že žijem z dobrej vôle kohokoľvek. x Slovo, ktoré mi ukradol zo mňa robilo muža, ktorým som bol rád za cenu obete akú som priniesol, aby sa uskutočnilo moje sebaprekonanie, [...]

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