
I know this I was an illuminati member for years into the evil eye world for years . I was to join illuminati because I am a traditional healer and a chief . I was forced by my cousin’s that are in this society .
Evil eye is the world that’s invisible you will see the celebrities close one eye . That s their culture the awerness that they have made rituals to be like Adam and Eve .
Anunnaki is the pyramid life inside the moon . The invisible moon . The reason they like pyramid it’s because the first person who fought with God in this generation was from the pyramids that’s Pharoah.
Pharoah fought for humanity.
Inside the pyramids of Illuminati there’s an eyes one eye . That eye represents Anunnaki.
Anunnaki is the country or the world that was created by Father Almighty God for Adam and Eve . The evil people the magicians like Nimrod and Pharoah they have found that world . In South Africa we call this world “ gwadana “ an evil forests inside Anunnaki .
The blue man in the Olympics is the man from Anunnaki where people are blue and they are animal fixture .
In Africa every house has a clans name with an animal figure. As Father Almighty God we call him Lion 🦁 .
Denver Airport there’s a blue horse with devil’s eyes . The airport was built by freemasonry everywhere in the airport there are freemasonry logos and statues of masonry.
I know this because I came from evil eye world .
That horse in Denver airport represents the Devil’s horse the arrival of him .
The origin meaning of this house is the arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem as now Jesuralem as it’s America .
I know this because I was inside the evil eye world for years .
Coca Cola or coke everyone say it’s evil yes it’s because everybody loves coke to drink it and the colour of it is dark . When the blood drys it changes colour into the little black . They evil people they say coke is the blood of Jesus .
When we drink it we are already dead to them .
Reserve banks people that are in power who they control reserve banks they are in illuminati and Freemasonry and freemasonry says that in public . Money dessapear all over the world and that money is used to build buildings, Olympics , football games , farms , labs , entertainment industry, masons buildings, weapons factories and more .
Everyone that would work is either an illuminati member , freemasonry, satanists or a devil worshiper.
This method they call it abuse as they are the abuser

what is a person; mind, identity. .. ..


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Ďalšou dôležitou vecou v tomto rámci je, že pod univerzálnou zhodou medzi príslušníkmi druhu sa nemyslia konvencie, na ktorých sme sa dokázali všetci dohodnúť. Nehovoríme tu teda o spoločenskom kontrakte ani o sociálnych inštitúciách, ktoré sme v minulosti ustanovili. Podľa Wittgensteina by sme nemali zabudnúť, že termínom „konsenzus“ sa nemyslí len to, na [...]

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