Archív: júl, 2024

prostor je v jistém smyslu také idealitou –

Byli jsme tam ovšem jako bezčasé ideality, které mohou, kupodivu zasahovat do dění – a prostor je v jistém smyslu také idealitou – ovšemže jsme byli v černé díře, ale nikoli obrácené naruby – což by nebylo zas tak hrozné, kdyby to nebyla právě taková, která provrtává prostor kamsi jinam, takže nebýt mé duchapřítomnosti, mohli jsme klidně […]

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to be both nothing and everything;The Pali Canon

The Buddha also said that the cause of desire is ignorance, fundamental ignorance; that is, Ignorance of the fundamental reality that grasping for things comes from desiring to own something, to make it yours, to attach it and you to it..Thus, attachment is what causes suffering, because now we live in fear of losing „what’s mine, what belongs to me.“ No desire to own something […]

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Don’t scapegoat me!

Do not cast me into the tempest, a figure of blame & shame a sacrificial lamb to appease the shadows. I am not the storm, not the thunder that rumbles thru the heart of the night, nor the lightning that splits the sky, illuminating the chaos that churns within. I am the stillness, the calm that exists beneath the surface of tumult, the quiet breath before the outburst, the heartbeat of […]

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Why didn’t God just destroy Satan before?

Excellent question. The answer lies in the challenge that Satan made both in the Garden of Eden, and then later before God and all the assembled angels, as recorded in Genesis and Job respectively. (Genesis 3:1–6; Job chapters 1 and 2) Basically, in Eden Satan challenged God’s right to rule, inferring that man would be better off without Him, (and by association, worshipping Satan and under […]

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“cause” and “effect” Nietzsche

I’ve struggled immensely in all my attempts to read and comprehend Nietzsche’s “Beyond Good and Evil”. These blog posts are my attempt to better understand this material. I encourage any corrections or criticisms in the comments. Chapter One: On the Prejudices of Philosophers 21. The CAUSA SUI is the best self-contradiction that has yet been conceived, it is a sort of logical violation […]

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appreciate pleasure without ever having felt pain?

Benatar in his asymmetry argument assumes pain to be bad and pleasure to be good. But is it really that simple? Its one of the more intuitive things to say because we generally tend to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Inflicting pain is considered bad but inflicting pleasure is considered good or at least not bad. x I don’t think it is. Pain is painful, and pleasure is pleasurable, But all […]

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Virtual Immortality * **

“In scientific progress, imagination is more important than knowledge, real or imagined,” Richard Feynman. If we talk about science in the manner of Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, there is nothing to say, everything is in order. The Sun is at the center of the Solar System; we can experience gravity by jumping from a wall; and no one can deny that we are the 194th monkey, […]

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Because at some level pain seems like it contributes to the ‚goodness‘ of good or as a net source for pleasure and pleasure would be considered ‚good‘. Although you could say the same about pleasure (that the kind of pleasure determines if its good or not). Pain seems to be what makes our experience so rich – a beer tastes so much better after a long day of work […]

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Religion vs ·Spiritual enlightenment:

Religion: · The belief in and worship of a superhuman power or a God. · This is to include rituals, doctrine and laws of how to follow and worship this deity. · To include a person’s personal submission to an organization of humans that have self assigned themselves to uphold these rituals, doctrine and laws. · · Spiritual enlightenment. · The concept of Spiritual Enlightenment has […]

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Here are 7 lessons on attitude by Adam:

1. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Having a positive attitude starts with believing in yourself. When you believe in yourself, you are more likely to take risks, set ambitious goals, and persevere in the face of challenges. 2. Focus on the positive aspects of your life. It’s easy to get bogged down by the negative aspects of our lives, but it’s important to focus on the […]

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Na protest do Bratislavy neprišlo 60-tisíc ľudí. Organizátori priznali, že ich odhad bol nesprávny

Na protest do Bratislavy neprišlo 60-tisíc ľudí. Organizátori priznali, že ich odhad bol nesprávny

29.01.2025 09:49

Iniciatíva priznala chybu a za nesprávny odhad sa ospravedlnila.

Prieskum AKO: PS vedie pred Smerom a Hlasom. Na štvrté miesto sa šplhá SaS, opozícia by zložila vládu

Prieskum AKO: PS vedie pred Smerom a Hlasom. Na štvrté miesto sa šplhá SaS, opozícia by zložila vládu

29.01.2025 18:45

Do parlamentu by sa podľa agentúry AKO dostalo sedem strán.

Blanár si pre vyjadrenia Kyjeva k Ficovi predvolal ukrajinského veľvyslanca

Blanár si pre vyjadrenia Kyjeva k Ficovi predvolal ukrajinského veľvyslanca

29.01.2025 17:31

Ministerstvo odovzdalo ostrý protest voči výrokom ukrajinskej strany, ktoré považuje za zasahovanie do vnútorných záležitostí SR.

Dôvod na stíhanie súd vidí, na väzbu nie. Extrémista Bombic ide na slobodu

Dôvod na stíhanie súd vidí, na väzbu nie. Extrémista Bombic ide na slobodu

29.01.2025 16:24

V utorok za prísnych bezpečnostných opatrení priviezli stíhaného extrémistu z Veľkej Británie na Slovensko.

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