— Georges Sorel, Reflections on Violence

Pessimism is quite a different thing from the caricatures that are usually presented of it; it is a metaphysics of morals rather than a theory of the world; it is a conception of a march towards deliverance that is narrowly conditioned: on the one hand, by the experimental knowledge that we have acquired of the obstacles which oppose themselves to the satisfaction of our imaginations (or, if one prefers, by the feeling of social determinism) – on the other, by a profound conviction of our natural weakness. These three aspects of pessimism should never be separated, although as a rule little attention is paid to their close connection.

1) The concept of pessimism derives from the fact that literary historians have been very struck by the complaints of the great poets of antiquity about the sorrow and pain that constantly threaten mankind. There are few people who have not at least once experienced a piece of good fortune; but we are surrounded by evil forces which are always ready to spring an ambush and overwhelm us; from this are born the very real sufferings which arouse the sympathy of all men, even of those who have been treated most favorably by fortune; hence the literature of grief has had an appeal throughout almost all history. But we would have a very imperfect idea of pessimism if we considered only this kind of literature; as a general rule, in order to understand a doctrine it is not sufficient to study it in an abstract manner, nor even as it occurs in isolated people: we need to find out how it is manifested in historical groups; it is for this reason that I am here led to add the two elements that were mentioned earlier.

2) The pessimist regards social conditions as forming a system bound together by an iron law which cannot be evaded, as something in the form of one block, and which can only disappear through a catastrophe which involves the whole. If this theory is admitted, it then becomes absurd to attribute the evils from which society suffers to a few wicked men; the pessimist is not subject to the bloodthirsty follies of the optimist driven mad by the unforeseen obstacles that his projects meet; he does not dream of bringing about the happiness of future generations by slaughtering existing egoists.🙃

3) The most fundamental element of pessimism is its method of conceiving the path towards deliveranceA man would not go far in the examination either of the laws of his own wretchedness or of fate, which so shock the ingenuousness of our pride, if he were not borne up by the hope of putting an end to these tyrannies by an effort to be attempted with a whole band of companions. The Christians would not have discussed original sin so much if they had not felt the necessity of justifying the deliverance (which was to result from the death of Jesus) by supposing that this sacrifice had been made necessary by a frightful crime attributable to humanity. If the people of the West were much more occupied with original sin than those of the East it was not solely, as Taine thought, due to the influence of Roman law, but also because the Latin peoples, having a more elevated conception of imperial majesty than the Greeks, regarded the sacrifice of the Son of God as having realized an extraordinarily marvelous deliverance; from this proceeded the necessity of deepening the mysteries surrounding human wretchedness and destiny.”




kdyby z vejce nevyrostl pupek s/věta kdyby bída nekonkurovala nouzi kdyby tečka než čárka napočítá do pěti nestavěla souvětí budeme si v objetí budeme zasnění jako bozi když bdí a sen se vzbouzí uprostřed metamorfózy JAKO „Důvody nemám. Spadlo to na mne jako fixní idea, jako vrtoch, jako pud.” (Strinberg – Klášter) jako nezájem řezající řeč na mlčení [...]

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detronizoval schizofrenika skrz dvojaký meter; atak šiel pod kožu človeka, ktorý ´mal byť taký nijaký´ nikto, ktorý sa vzdáva života bez boja o kark v pakárni pod narkózou psychofarmák; nemal pre neho ´pán´ lásky ani za mák lebo trpel psychózou zžieravou, aby sa dal do bandy s tou pravou, ktorá vnesie do jeho duše rozštiepenej mier bez toho, aby bola vtieravou [...]

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